Tech World 2 is a technology-oriented modpack created by the FTB Team. It was released in December 2013. The modpack includes some of the most popular Tech mods as well as powerful utility mods. It is based on Minecraft 1.6.4, and the modpack is currently in version 1.1.7.
Mod List
Version 1.1.7 of the Tech World 2 Pack includes the following mods by default:
Categories of Mods Included
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- Machines, Automation and Energy production: IndustrialCraft Experimental, BuildCraft, Thermal Expansion, MineFactory Reloaded, Factorisation, RotaryCraft, Reactorcraft, BigReactors, Forestry, Applied Energestics and ComputerCraft, Compact Solars, Compact Windmills, Engineer's Toolbox, GasCraft, Remote IO
- Transportation and teleportation: Mystcraft, Steve's Carts, Enhanced Portals 3, Railcraft
- Utility mods: Extra Utilities, Openblocks, Tinkers' Construct, Modular Powersuits, Backpacks, Wireless Redstone Chickenbones Edition(WRCBE), Chicken Chunks, denPipes and Portal Gun, BiblioCraft, EVOC, JABBA, WAILA, Opis, Gate Copy, Hopper Ducts, Iron Chests, Switches,
- World Generation: Biomes o' Plenty, Emasher Resource and Alternate Terrain Generation(ATG).
- User Interface mods: Not Enough Items (NEI), WAILA, Inventory Tweaks, JourneyMap (disabled by default), Zan's Minimap (disabled by default), ArmorStatusHUD and StatusEffectHUD.
- Add-ons: Gendustry, NEI Adddons,NEI Pluggins, Compact Solars and Compact Windmills, Nuclear Control, Powersuits Addons, Tinkers' Mechworks, XACT, Extra Bees, Extra trees,
- Core mods: bdlib, bspkrsCore, CodeChickenCore, COFHcore, denlib, DragonAPI, Forge Multipart, MobiusCore, Numina, Power Crystals Core, OpenPeripheral Core, OpenPeripheral Addons, OpenMods Lib
v · d · e Feed The Beast Modpacks |
| [Expand] Official FTB Packs |
| | | | Minecraft 1.18 | | | Minecraft 1.16 | | | Minecraft 1.15 | | | Minecraft 1.14 | | | Minecraft 1.12 | | | Minecraft 1.10 | | | Minecraft 1.7 | | | Minecraft 1.6 | | | Minecraft 1.5 | | | Minecraft 1.4 | | | Minecraft 1.2 | |
| | [Expand] Public Third-Party Packs |
| | | | Minecraft 1.7 | | | Minecraft 1.6 | | | Minecraft 1.5 | | | Minecraft 1.4 | |
| | | | |