
Name TerraFirmaPunk
Creator OneWolfe
Launcher Feed The Beast Launcher
Latest Version 2.1.0
Minecraft Version 1.7.10
Private Pack Code TerraFirmaPunk
Website FTB Forum Thread
Mod count 99

TerraFirmaPunk offers questing, hardcore survival and tech mods built on the foundation of Terrafirmacraft (TFC), which completely revamps the Vanilla Minecraft experience with more realistic survival mechanics and progression up to steel metallurgy. Players must manage thirst, hunger, and far more difficult monsters in their quest for steampunk technology. For the adventurous, remains of lost cities, powerful bosses and hidden treasures await in the vast wilderness, with variable mob spawns based on biome, time and depth. TerraFirmaPunk has extensively altered recipes for non-TFC mods to make them fit Terrafirmacraft's progression pace and difficulty. Previous experience with TFC or other extensive modpacks is recommended.

Major Changes

TerraFirmaPunk is built around Terrafirmacraft, but leans heavily into Forestry, Immersive Engineering, Railcraft and Mekanism for its tech progression. The mob spawning system is completely overhauled, including the spawners found in ruins as well as natural spawns. Twilight Forest & Ender Zoo provide most of the non-vanilla mob variety and boss fights, with Lycanites Mobs showing up in Roguelike Dungeons. Overall difficulty in hostile game modes is high, with mob health adjusted to TFC standards. Combat is deadlier and players should expect to make good use of OpenBlocks Graves.

Players familiar with Terrafirmacraft will find few differences in the early game progression, other than the custom quest book offered by Hardcore Questing Mode. While the text of the quest book is largely unfinished, the quests and rewards are functional. Most of the content mods are gated behind TFC iron and metal alloys.

Supporting building mods include Bibliocraft, Storage Drawers and Carpenter's Blocks, while energy and item routing have several options in BuildCraft, Mekanism and Logistics Pipes. There are multiple metal resource doubling routes, including Mekanism, Magneticraft and Railcraft. All are offered to the player at various levels of tech progression, from the mid-game Crusher or Grinder and concuding with Mekanism's multi-machine ore processing. Forestry's Backpacks and OpenBlocks Luggage bring greatly welcome additions of increased carrying capacity to TFC. Paired with mobility enhancing options such as Clockwork Wings, or the Exosuit, exploring and reaching new heights becomes easier than ever. Players should expect heavily modified recipes, both in crafting ingredients and requisite infrastructure, and a necessity of discovering new ways of obtaining resources once confined to the Nether or End. Many resources and components have difficult early game recipes, but an easier or cheaper alternative with more advanced machinery.

Mod List

This modpack is currently not being updated anymore.
Version 2.0 of TerraFirmaPunk includes the following mods by default:

Name Version Author Notes
Animal Crate 0.1 TaeoG Content
Antique Atlas 4.0.1a-1.7.10 Hunternif Content
Archimedes' Ships 1.7.1 BalkondeurAlpha Content
ArmorStatusHUD 1.28 bspkrs Utility
AromaBackup Aroma1997 Utility
Aroma1997Core Aroma1997 Library
Better Boat 1.7.10-1.1.0 SanAndreasP Utility
Better Foliage 1.0.15 octarine_noise Utility
BiblioCraft 1.11.2 Nuchaz Content
BiblioWoodsTFC 1.2 Nuchaz Content
BinnieCore 2.0-pre14 Binnie Library
Binnie Patcher 1.8.2 Chocohead Library
Boilerplate 1.7.10- SkySom, warlordjones, decebaldecebal Library
Bookshelf 1.7.10- darkhax, lclc98 Library
bspkrsCore --- bspkrs Library
BuildCraft 7.1.14 SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team Content
BuildCraft Compat 7.1.3 asie, BuildCraft Team Utility
Carpenter's Blocks 2.2.8_def_r8 Mineshopper Content
Cellars for TFC --- Sladki Content
CodeChickenCore 1.7.10- Chickenbones Library
CodeChickenLib --- Chickenbones Library
CoFH Core 3.1.3 Team CoFH Library
Cogs of the Machine 0.1.4pre1 Deatrathias Content
ComputerCraft 1.75 Dan200 Content
CoroUtil-1.1.1 1.0 Corosauce Utility
Custom Chest Loot 1.7.10-1.1.1 FatherToast Utility
Damage Indicators 3.2.3 rich1051414 Utility
Decorations 1.0.20 alksey_t Content
Dragon Mounts r41-1.7.10 BarracudaATA Content
Dynamic Lights --- AtomicStryker Utility
Ender Zoo 1.0 CrazyPants Content
Ex Nihilo 1.38-49 Erasmus_Crowley Content
Farseek 1.0.11 delvr Library
FastCraft 1.21 Player Utility
Flaxbeard's Steam Power --- Flaxbeard Content
Forestry SirSengir Content
Hardcore Questing Mode 4.4.4 lorddusk, Newcastlegeek, Vswe Content
Hats 4.0.1 iChun Content
HerdCraft 1.1 Nakranoth Utility
iChunUtil 4.2.2 iChun Library
Immersive Engineering 0.7.4 BluSunrize Content
Infernal Mobs --- AtomicStryker Utility
Inventory Tweaks 1.59-dev-152-cf6e263 Kobata Utility
JourneyMap 1.7.10-5.1.4 techbrew Utility
Just Another Spawner 0.17.6 Crudedragos Utility
Leather Water Sac 3.9.B79 Emris_Morath Content
Logistics Pipes davboecki, theZorro266, GUIpsp, AartBluestoke, ArtForz Content
Lycanites Mobs 1.13.X.X Lycanite Content
Magneticraft 0.6.0-final cout970 Content
Malisis' Doors 1.7.10-1.13.2 Ordinastie Content
MalisisCore 1.7.10-0.14.3 Ordinastie Library
Mekanism 9.1.0 aidancbrady Content
Memory Cleaner 1.0 viniciuslrangel Utility
Merchants 1.1.3 Aleksey_t Content
MineTweaker 3 1.7.10-3.0.10 StanH Utility
Mob Properties 1.7.10-1.0.2 FatherToast Utility
MobDismemberment 4.0.0 iChun Utility
MobiusCore 1.2.5_1.7.10 ProfMobius Library
Mod Tweaker 2 0.9.5 StanH Utility
Necromancy --- AtomicStryker, sirolf2009 Content
NEI Addons bdew Utility
NEI Integration 1.1.2 Tonius Utility
NotEnoughItems 1.7.10_1.0.5.118-universal Chickenbones Utility
OpenBlocks 1.4.4 Mikeemoo, boq Content
OpenMods 0.8 Mikeemoo, boq Library
Opis 1.2.5_1.7.10 ProfMobius Utility
Pistronics 2 0.6.4 Letiu Content
PlayerAPI 1.7.10- Library
RailCraft Content
Random Things 2.2.4 Content
Roguelike Dungeons for TFC 1.0.1 Content
Ropes+ --- AtomicStryker Content
Ruins Spawning System --- AtomicStryker Content
SimpleAutoRun --- Mysticdrew Utility
Smart Moving 15.6 Divisor Utility
Smart Render 2.1 Divisor Utility
Sound Filters 0.7_for_1.7.X Tmtravlr Utility
Steamcraft 2 1.7.10-B5.0.1 warlordjones, ClockworkKaiser, decebaldecebal, domi1819 Content
Steve's Carts 2 2.0.0.b18 Vswe Content
Storage Drawers 1.7.10-1.9.5 jaquadro Content
Streams 0.2 delvr Content
TerraFirmaCraft 0.79.29 Bioxx, Dunkleosteus, Kittychanley Core
TerraFirmaCraftNEIplugin Dries007 Utility
TerraFirmaPunk Tweaks 1.19 JAWolfe, OneWolfe Utility
TerraFirmaStuff 0.1.4 Bunsan Content
TFCTech Addon 0.2.8-A13-HOTFIX1 Shurgent Content
TFC Udary Mod 0.2.31 Bletch Content
TerraMisc 0.13.0 Powerman913717 Content
TFC Railcraft Compatibility 0.2.0 vidaj, kev12east Utility
TFC Scales 1.0.2 Chogata, AcidMaker Content
TFC Tweaker 0.01.00 JAWolfe Library
TFC Water Compatibility 1.0 vidaj, kev12east Utility
TFC Additions 1.0.2 raymondbh Content
TFC Tweaks Dries007 Utility
Twilight Forest 2.3.7 Benimatic Content
Walia 1.5.10_1.7.10 ProfMobius Utility
Walia Harvestability 1.1.6 squeek Utility
What Are We Looking At 1.3.3 Darkhax Utility
Zombie Awareness 1.9.2 Corosauce Utility

Known Issues

This list only includes world-breaking and serious concerns that are imperative to know. For a full list of TerraFirmaPunk's eccentricities, see Getting Started (TerraFirmaPunk).

  • Attempting to hopper ingot molds into the side of the TFCTech's Induction Smelter crashes and corrupts the save file.
  • Using certain TFC Additions Chisel modes crashes and corrupts the save file.
  • Placing Boliers in a way that results in an empty hand crashes the game.
  • Attempting to rotate a spawner with Pistronics 2's The Tool crashes the game.
  • Accessing the Nether may crash the game.
  • Mob models rarely glitch over the player's head, obscuring first person visibility when close to a spawner.
  • Terrafirmacraft and IE's Powered Lantern spawn protection mechanics are ignored by TerraFirmaPunk's mobs.
  • The contents of Crucibles is lost if logging out or unloading the chunk.
  • Crafting progress in the Carpenter is lost if logging out or unloading the chunk.

External Links

Terrafirmacraft Forum Thread