Chemical Dye
Name |
Chemical Dye
Source Mod |
GregTech 5
ID Name |
gregtech:gt.GregTech_FluidDisplay:78-108 even numbers
Type |
Stackable |
Yes (64)
Chemical Dye is an item added by the GregTech 5 mod. This dye can be used to dye Wool, Stained Clay, Glass in Chemical Bath or Carpet in Assembling Machine. Unlike Water Mixed Dye, these fluids can be inserted into Spray Can.
Chemical Reactor
28800 EU
48 EU/t
48 EU
30 secs
Large Chemical Reactor
28800 EU
48 EU/t
48 EU
30 secs
Black Dye can be substituted with
other Dye.
This results in Chemical Dye of other colour.
Fluid Canner
37 EU
1 EU/t
1 EU
1.85 secs
Chemical Dye can be used to create the following items:
v · d · e GregTech 5 |
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| | [Expand] Materials |
| Pure Metals | | | Alloys | | | Gems | | | Minerals | | | Plastics | | | Organic | | | Dusts | | | Unobtainable | | | Mod Compatibility | |
| | [Expand] Singleblock Machines |
| Processing Machines | | | Generators | | | Utility Machines | |
| | [Expand] Multiblock Machine Parts |
| Processing Machines | | | Generators | | | Utility Machines | |
| | [Expand] Multiblock Structures |
| |
| | [Expand] Components |
| Circuit Parts | | | Circuits | | | Batteries | | | Machine Components | | | Machine Upgrades | |
| | [Expand] Transport |
| Wires | | | Cables | | | Fluid Pipes | | | Plasma Pipes | | | Item Pipes | |
| | [Expand] Equipment |
| Tools and Weapons | | | Armor | |
| | | | | | [Expand] Miscellanious |
| Coins | | | Reactor Components | | | Other | |
| | | | | | [Expand] Mods with Integration |
| |