Forest Hive

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Forest Hive
Forest Hive

Name Forest Hive
Source Mod Forestry
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 5.0
Hardness 1.0
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light Yes (12)
Flammable No
Required Tool Scoop

Forest Hives, when mined with any Scoop, will always drop a Forest Bee princess and usually a Forest Bee drone and Honey Comb. When mined with your hand or any other tool, the hive will break and drop nothing. (There are also various means to obtain a hive's bees without a Scoop, however these are often bugs rather than intended features.) They can be found attached to trees in Forest, Autumn Woods, Forested Hills, Birch Forest and Pine Forest biomes. Like any other hive, it emits a low level of light and is easier to spot during the night.


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Forest Hive