Scented Artificial Hive

Scented Artificial Hive
Scented Artificial Hive

Name Scented Artificial Hive
Source Mod Ex Nihilo
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 5.0
Hardness 1.0
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Unknown

The Artificial Hive is a block from Ex Nihilo. It is used to obtain the Hive Bees from Forestry, Extra Bees and Magic Bees. To use it, the Scented Hive has to be placed in the world. It will eventually turn in to a bee hive, or it will revert back to an Artificial Hive.

Bees are particular about where they live. The Scented Hive must meet certain conditions to attract a bee. These vary based on the species desired.

Hive Spawning Conditions

When determining the type of the resulting hive, blocks in a 5x5x5 volume centered on the Scented Hive are considered. When applicable, at least one "flower" must be present. More "flowers" increase spawn chance, up to a limit. If multiple hive types are eligible, one will be chosen at random.

Species Biome Type Flowers See sky Other conditions Notes
Meadows Bee Plains Forestry-compatible flowers Yes
Forest Bee Forest None Yes At least 20 leaves Easier to attract
Modest Bee Desert Cactus Yes
Tropical Bee Jungle Vines Yes At least 20 leaves
Wintry Bee Frozen Forestry-compatible flowers Yes At least 15 single-layer snow
Marshy Bee Swamp Mushrooms (brown or red) Yes
Ender Bee End None Yes At least 15 end stone More difficult to attract
Water Bee Water Lily Pads Any At least 15 still water

Still water on top of the hive

Rocky Bee Any None No At least 15 stone More difficult to attract
Embittered Bee Nether Nether Wart No At least 15 netherrack
Mystical Bee Forest Forestry-compatible flowers Yes At least 20 leaves
Sorcerous Bee Desert Forestry-compatible flowers Yes
Unusual Bee Jungle Forestry-compatible flowers Yes
Attuned Bee Mountain Forestry-compatible flowers No Y <= 15
Oblivion Bee End None No At least 15 end stone More difficult to attract
Infernal Bee Nether None No At least 15 netherrack
Y <= 15
More difficult to attract


Place an Artificial Hive into a Barrel filled with Seed Oil. This will turn it into a Scented Artificial Hive.


Scented Artificial Hive can be used to create the following items: