Feed The Beast Ultimate

(Redirected from Feed The Beast Ultimate Pack)

Feed The Beast Ultimate
Feed The Beast Ultimate
Name Feed The Beast Ultimate
Creator The FTB Team
Launcher Feed The Beast Launcher
Latest Version 1.1.2
Minecraft Version 1.4.7
Website Official Website and Changelog

The Feed The Beast Ultimate Pack is the main Feed The Beast modpack for Minecraft version 1.4.7. With 45 different gameplay mods, it was the biggest FTB modpack at the time.

The Ultimate Pack has certain ExtrabiomesXL biomes disabled by default, a majority of which are snow biomes. These settings can be reenabled through the extrabiomes.cfg config file. The disabled biomes are: Alpine, Extreme Jungles, Forested Island, Glacier, Green Swamp, Ice Wasteland, Marsh, Mountain Taiga, Redwood Forest, Shrubland, Snowy Forest, Snowy Rainforest, Tundra. Do note that by default, these are only disabled on the client version of the modpack - the server files have all the biomes still enabled.


Version 1.1.2 of the Ultimate Pack contains the following mods:

External Links[edit]