Talk:Tech World 2

Front page lists 2 different mods in Tech World 2 pack: Forge Microblocks and ForgeMultipart. Isn't it basically the same? -- OstPavel (talk • contributions) 09:29, 26 April 2014 (CEST)

Indeed, it should only be ForgeMultipart. Technically FMP does consist of three mods: ForgeMultipart itself, which adds the base microblock API; ForgeMicroblocks, which adds the actual microblocks; and McMulipart, which adds multipart support to some vanilla Minecraft blocks. That's just technical though, the three come in one mod file and there is no need to separate them IMO. --dgelessus (talk · contribs) 11:13, 26 April 2014 (CEST)

How does someone enable the map mods? They're listed as disabled by default and provide no information at all on how to enable them.