Tutorial:Getting Started (TerraFirmaPunk)

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This tutorial is a guide to playing TerraFirmaPunk (TFP), a modpack that is built on Terrafirmacraft (TFC) but which differs significantly from its core mod with the inclusion of technology beyond the steel age. As the full tech tree and early game development of TFC are well documented on its wiki and in numerous playthroughs, this tutorial will focus mostly on the differences TerraFirmaPunk brings to the table after the first section.

TFC Differences

Terrafirmacraft - TFP's core mod - completely overhauls huge portions of how Minecraft works. Understanding TFC is vital to progressing in TerraFirmaPunk. Players who are unfamiliar with TFC are highly encouraged to study the linked Wiki articles and/or watch videos to help understand how to progress. As a general rule, everything in TFC is slower and grindier than its vanilla equivalent.

Biomes are based on Temperature and Climate which affect what kinds of Animals, Trees and Crops are available to the player. Certain plants like fruit trees and berry bushes are seasonal. Growing crops takes much longer, and crop death can occur in colder seasons. TFC also has 'rock biomes' where any given area has a top, middle and bottom layer of one of its 21 different Rock types. Ores and minerals only spawn in specific types of rocks, and it's possible to travel many thousands of blocks before finding a change in rock type. Leaves and certain blocks like Thatch are not solid, allowing both players and mobs to pass through them. Most naturally spawning blocks are affected by gravity. Mining can cause cave-ins. Torches burn out.

Players must manage both hunger and thirst. Only fresh water (marked by cattails) can be safely consumed. Maximum Hit Points are greatly influenced by both Experience Level and Nutrition. Failing to consume a variety of foods (Fruit, Vegetable, Protein, Grain or Dairy) significantly reduces a player's max HP. Combat is deadlier, and certain enemies are almost invulnerable to certain types of weapon damage (slashing, crushing, piercing). Regeneration of health is very slow, so doing things like taking indiscriminate fall damage quickly adds up.

Food spoils over time, a mechanic that can be partially mitigated by the Cellars mod and proper storage. Players have skill levels in various categories such as Cooking, Smithing and Agriculture. Animals cannot be bred or milked/sheared until tamed. TFC storage (chests, barrels, vessels) hold less than their Vanilla counterparts, and some items cannot be stored in containers due to their size.

Early game tools are made by knapping two stones together. Clay is vital for making storage vessels, drinking jugs and tool molds. Progression from stone to metal tools unlocks the ability to make planks and a Crafting Table , which gives the player access to the 3x3 crafting grid directly from their inventory. Logs cannot be crafted into planks without a Saw. Metalworking is vastly different in TFC, and the creation of most metal items requires solving a mini-game on an Anvil, after heating the ingot to a working temperature. Players will be unable to move water and lava until they reach the end game tier of metals. Advanced metals require tools such as the Bloomery, Crucible and Blast Furnace.

See the Terrafirmacraft Stone-Age Guide for full details on how to progress through TFP's early game.

Choosing a World

Unlike Vanilla Minecraft and most modpacks, world seeds vary greatly in quality for TerraFirmaCraft, and by extension TerraFirmaPunk. The choice of starting world will greatly impact how difficult progression will be. One world may land you in the middle of impenetrable jungle, while another is so dry and arid that there is no Clay to be found for thousands of blocks in any direction. Certain biomes are inherently more dangerous in TFP due to the types of custom mobs which inhabit them. In particular, choosing a Swamp or Mountain biome as a starting location will often end in an early death. Similarly locations that are too cold or too dry will be extremely difficult to progress in. Ruins are also best approached with caution, as most have custom spawners in them.

0.79.x TFC version seeds will work with TerraFirmaPunk, with some alterations for additional world generation options from mods. If recreating a world to examine it before settling down, be aware that Ruins may not generate in exactly the same locations.

A good starter seed / home should have most of these qualities:

  • Plains or a small island with nearby forest
  • Access to the Ocean for easy transportation and Salt Water
  • One or more; Marble, Granite, Basalt, Limestone, Rock Salt, Andesite, Dacite and Rhyolite rock types
  • Renewable Tannin tree type (can be imported if not native to area) Oak, Birch, Chestnut, Douglas Fir, Hickory, Maple
  • Flat area with Fresh Water for farming food
  • Flux rock type for leather working and smithing
  • Evidence of Copper (Native Copper, Malachite, or Tetrahedrite) nearby
  • Evidence of Bismuthinite & Sphalerite or Cassiterite nearby
  • Sheep or Jute
  • Clay

Helpful for mid-to-late game:

  • Cows, Chickens
  • Lava / Sulfur
  • Evidence of Kaolinite and/or Graphite
  • Giant Miner Spawner
  • Steam Pirate Airship
  • 'Piston House' - Fenced wooden house with a metal door, lever inside.
  • Gabbro (the only rock Nickel can be found in) nearby

Known Issues

Despite this rather long list TerraFirmaPunk is stable overall if its few, major bugs are avoided. Players are advised to make backups with AromaBackup or an external launcher before messing around with the Nether, as the pack never intended for it to be accessible. Some of the listed minor issues are likely design choices by the modpack author, but are included because they may prove to be pitfalls for players who are expecting a known mod to work in a certain way. As with any complex 1.7 modpack, sometimes things go wrong. It's strongly recommended to Enable Cheats during world creation so that reparations can be made when necessary.


  • Attempting to hopper or item transfer items into the sides of the TFCTech's Induction Smelter crashes and corrupts the chunk.
  • Putting Whale Blubber in a Coke Oven when there is still an item in the output slot will crash and corrupt the chunk.
  • Using TFC Additions Chisel modes on incompatible blocks crashes and corrupts the chunk.
  • Accessing the Nether can crash the game.
  • Attempting to use a Digital Miner with any filter except ItemStack can crash the game.
  • Attempting to rotate a spawner with Pistronics 2's The Tool crashes the game.
  • Attempting to open a storage Compartment (Binnie Core) with an object in hand that has a Heat value crashes the game.
  • Attempting to view Recipes in the Arc Furnace GUI crashes the game.


  • TFCTech's Induction Smelter rarely has rounding issues when making alloys, and visually won't update the GUI while it is open.
  • Some metal ingot types can be crafted into blocks which cannot be turned back into ingots.
  • Hoppers don't recognize TFC double chests and will only place items into the block they are connected to.
  • Worn armor doesn't render in the correct orientation to the player when switching to second person view.
  • Surgent TFCTech Dusts, Plates & Gears made in the Metal Press or Crusher have the wrong metadata for use in recipes.
  • Rarely the player's inventory renders off the upper left / doesn't load correctly.
  • Mob models (often an upside-down Skeleton) rarely glitch over the player's head, obscuring visibility when close to a spawner.
  • Spawn protection mechanics do not work with TerraFirmaPunk's custom mob spawning system.
  • Certain Forestry Bees do not recognize their preferred flowers (Cacti, Mushroom, Lily Pad, Reeds, Dead Bush)
  • Only Forest, Meadows and Wintry Hives spawn naturally.
  • Certain Biomes required for Bee Breeding do not exist in TFP.
  • Fluid crafting recipes are often unlisted, particularly those for Genetics, though they are present and work.
  • Ingot textures sometimes turn ghostly
  • Squeezer recipes do not account for TFC item stack size; for example using a full 160oz stack of Olives will give 10mb, same as a 1oz stack.
  • Fluid recipes often display the incorrect (full stack/160oz) amounts, even when less is needed. 40oz input item for Alcohols, 100oz Fruit to turn a full barrel of alcohol into Vinegar. 50 Jute max per barrel for soaking. 40oz Soybean Paste + 10 buckets Hot Water in a barrel for Cheese. 20 Flux per barrel for Limewater. 1 Tannin bearing wood log per barrel of Tannin. See TFC Wiki Barrel.
  • Steamcraft 2 Lore Books and Steampunk's Guidebook have no content in the version included with TFP.
  • Survivalist's Toolkit does not stop tools that use multiple durability at once from breaking.
  • Cogs of the Machine metal fragments have no use in this pack, as the Foundry is uncraftable.


  • In the Nether, there is a visual delay in inventory updates. Persists into the Overworld.
    • Save/reload the world to fix.
  • Changing dimensions (Nether, Spectre Key) disables the 3x3 crafting grid.
    • Save/reload the world to fix.
  • Placing Boliers in a way that results in an empty hand crashes the game.
    • Always have at least one more Boiler in the stack than you need.
  • HQM questing mode sometimes does not activate on creation of a new world.
    • /hqm quest to activate questing mode.
  • Gold Metal Dust doesn't work in the Arc Furnace.
    • Use the Oredictionificator with a 'dustGold' filter to convert from TFCTech to Magneticraft gold dust.
  • Piping a Personal Chest into another Personal Chest causes the first chest to become stuck inside the second.
    • Don't use Personal Chests as the automated output destination of a Carpenter.
  • Galvanized Bees Zinc Combs produce the wrong metal grains.
    • Add the following to Extra-Bees.zs (MineTweaker script)
// Zinc Grains
recipes.addShapeless(<tfctech:item.Zinc Dust>, [<ExtraBees:misc:14>, <ExtraBees:misc:14>, <ExtraBees:misc:14>, <ExtraBees:misc:14>]);
  • Bauxite Dust is not recognized by the Miner's Backpack.
    • Add the following to minecraft > config > forestry > backpacks.cfg
tfctech:item.Bauxite Dust
  • Forestry's Bee Ectoplasm Effect does not update correctly, leading to invisible blocks. This may cause the hive to stop working if it cannot see the sky and the bees lack the Cave Dweller trait.
    • Save/reload the game to fix.
  • Forestry's Adventurer's Backpack is oddly configured by default.
    • Add whatever items are desired to minecraft/config/forestry/backpacks.cfg
  • Vanilla Chests cannot be crafted and turn into TFC chests when picked up
    • Collecting a broken Vanilla chest by other means than the player (such as Luggage) will preserve it. Will disappear if attempting to place back in the world.
  • Most JourneyMap mob icons are blank.
    • Custom Mob icons can be added in minecraft/journeymap/icon/entity/2D/<mod folder>
  • Hitting a mob with a Slime Arrow causes a 'ghost' slime that is visually there, but does nothing and cannot be hit.
    • Log out and back in to get rid of 'ghost' mobs.
  • Flying quickly with a jetpack or Hang Glider may cause a player's Luggage to be left behind.
    • Return to the area to have your Luggage teleport back to you.
  • Animals won't follow players holding TFC grain / carrots.
    • Vanilla crops (Wheat is renamed 'Straw' in TFC) work. Ropes, Animal Crate or Tucker Bag can also move livestock.
  • The contents of Crucibles is lost if logging out or unloading the chunk.
    • Always empty molten metals into Ingot Casts before leaving home base.
  • Crafting progress in the Carpenter is lost if logging out or unloading the chunk.
    • Don't craft expensive machinery before leaving home base.
  • Minecraft asks for Microphone access on launch.
    • This is from Mekanism. Change B:VoiceServerEnabled=false in Mekanism's config file to stop it.
  • Some Alloy recipes list the wrong processing method in NEI, and won't register as a valid alloy in the Scales because of it.
    • Weak Steel, Red Steel and Blue Steel are all made in the Crucible, not the Bloomery. Only Iron Ore can be processed in the Bloomery.


  • Mekanism Tanks duplicate fluids when interacting with TFC barrels.
  • Picking up Witch Water with a TFC wooden bucket changes it into a vanilla metal bucket.
  • Arc Furnace recipes requiring multiple metal dusts will still work if only one dust is used.
  • BiblioCraft, Carpenter's Blocks & Mekanism Chests, Shelves, Luggage and Backpacks do not allow metals to cool.
  • Mining TFC ores using the Digital Miner strips their actual type, defaulting to the first option for the group (Ore1 (Native Copper), Ore2 (Kaolinite), etc.)
    • Digital Mining without Silk Touch activated will collect TFC ores as normal.


Quest Book & Important Notes

TerraFirmaPunk is designed to be played with the Quest Book from Hardcore Questing Mode available. While it can be enjoyed without, certain items may be extremely difficult or impossible to obtain without its rewards. Notably the Quest Book grants access to a number of Forestry Bee species that are not found anywhere else in the game due to its limited biomes and dimensions. Other quest completion bonuses will accelerate progression, particularly early game Reward Bags. Quest rewards cannot be claimed unless there is sufficient space in the player's inventory for the item(s).

Beyond the early game, the requests of the Quest Book become more nonsensical, and oddly ordered. Often the player is capable of progressing significantly in a mod such as Immersive Engineering or Mekanism before the related quests are even accessible. Some of the rewards are trivial compared to the effort required to craft their requested item(s). Players are well advised to consider the cost/benefit of completing a quest versus leaving it for later when resources are more plentiful. If a needed resource seems unobtainable, odds are its either Dungeon Loot or a mob drop. TFP has heavily customized spawners and loot tables. Cogs of the Machine metal fragments are not smeltable, so should not be chosen as a reward.

S Hover over a type of food and press 'S' to stack all of this food type, up to 160oz.
D Hover over a food type and press 'D' to trim decay from all food in inventory. Must have a Knife.
M Change TFC tool mode (Chisel, Hoe, etc.) Can be changed in Controls.
F3 + H Show/Hide Item ID's. Useful for setting up Forestry's Backpack configs.
O Show/Hide NEI. Use if Not Enough Items goes missing or is obscuring part of a GUI.
R Shows the crafting recipe of the item below the cursor, if any. Can be used inside the Quest Book.
U Shows the uses of an item, if any. Can be used inside of the Quest Book.
(double click NEI search bar) Activate/Deactivate inventory search mode. If inventory slots are greyed out and the search box is outlined in yellow, it's on.
/armorstatus config Change where armor and currently equipped tool durability are shown on screen.
/hqm quest Enable Quest Book / questing mode.
/hqm hardcore Enable hardcore mode. Caution! There is no easy way to disable once activated. Limited lives.
/rt bloodmoon Causes a Bloodmoon event on the next night.
/backup Manually Triggers AromaCore's Backup feature.
(Controls -> Inventory Tweaks) Set to NONE (with ESC key) to stop 'R' causing inventories to rearrange their contents.

Tips & Tricks

  • Hold a TFC torch for a portable light source. Collect all Pumpkins to make Jack-o-Lanterns which are the easiest permanent light source. Steal lamps/lanterns off Ruins for other permanent lights. Carpenter’s Torches don't burn out. Right click on a torch with a stick to get another torch. This is a less efficient than a firepit or forge (2 torches per stick) but easier for on-the-go torch crafting.
  • Planks from ruins allow you to skip having to make a Saw to get a 3x3 crafting grid. Remember that the grid will go back to the default 2x2 if you die, so keep extra planks handy.
  • While extremely dangerous, the first floor of Roguelike Dungeons offer early metal tools, weapons, armor and otherwise unobtainable blocks like Vanilla Furnaces, Vanilla Saplings and the uncraftable Sleeping Bag.
  • A combination of the Straw and Hide Bed plus Sleeping Bag will cover all the functions of a normal Bed, until enough Jute, String and/or Wool is available to craft one. Beds can also be raided from Submarines.
  • Zombie Pigmen ("Steam Pirates") found in airship spawners can be farmed for brass pistons to be melted down into four brass ingots each. They also drop vanilla gold nuggets and, rarely, bars. TFP is extremely brass hungry in the early game and this is the easiest way to get large amounts of it.
  • Mobs don't pathfind well over TFC's Lumber microblocks, which can be used to make bridges and bases safer.
  • If caught out at night, head for the water, preferably with a boat. Mobs don't pathfind well through TFC fluids, and are slowed significantly.
  • Beware of Bloodmoons. If a "The Blood Moon is rising..." notification appears, you will be unable to sleep and extra mobs will spawn that night. Head for shelter.
  • Ruins sometimes contain smooth stone blocks and/or Charcoal, which can be turned into an early Forge without getting a Chisel / Charcoal Pit going.
  • Quest loot bags can drop some very helpful rewards, but expect most of them to be on the worthless side past the early game unless Epic or Legendary. Low tier Bags can be a good source of new tree types and starter materials.
  • String is very important. It's used for the Sifter, Forestry Backpacks, Silk Cloth, Scoops, Silk Wisps and more.
  • Once a base location is chosen, build a large number of barrels with access to the sky. They'll collect rain water which can be used for brewing or drinking. Multiple Barrels can be moved even when Overburdened by jumping in the desired direction of travel. A powered Exo-Suit also allows movement when Overburdened.
  • Vanilla Chests can't be easily moved, so choosing a starter base with one or more will provide a large storage until Framed Chests or Personal Chests can be made.
  • Craft an Ex Nihilo Sieve as soon as possible. Sifting gravel will yield ores that can be found in its rock type, far faster than TFC's Gold Pan or Sluice.
  • Soybeans can be used to make Soy Milk, which can be turned into Cheese if no Cows are available. Other prime crops include Potatoes, Corn, Onions & Carrots which grow quickly and/or have superior yields. Rye, Rice, Cloudberries, Cranberries, Snowberries, Honey, Apple and Wheat are used later in potion making. See Agriculture. Crop Death is on by default in TFP - don't leave mature crops for too long before harvesting. Using Drying Mats, Salt and/or Vessels for storage will slow food decay.
  • Leather Water Sacs are an upgrade to the clay drinking vessels. Not as fast to use, but hold more water and unbreakable. Early storage is a premium, prioritize Clay and lots of storage vessels.
  • Olive Oil is a key ingredient for the late-game Assembly Table and Lasers. Planting Olive Trees early on and squeezing their oil (with a TFC hopper on top of a barrel, load the olives and place a place a smooth rock block on top) will pay dividends in later years. Plant an Apple tree (either type) with Olives. Both ripen at the same time and the Apples are much easier to spot at a distance, letting you know the Olives are ready.
  • Save any Rubies you may find, as they are needed to craft the late-game Lasers for the Assembly Table. Unlike most recipes it won't take other gem types.
  • Armor Shards/Clusters from Helmet Crabs and Goblin Knights can be smelted into Knight Metal, which is needed for Clockwork Mechanisms and quest progression.
  • Coal Coke blocks are more efficient than Coal Coke chunks.
  • Use WAILA to check crop maturity, temperature of ovens/forges/crucibles, animal status, ore & rock types, etc.
  • TFP includes Mapwriter and JourneyMap as options for mapping; most players will want to choose one and disable the hotkeys for the other. If both seem too immersion breaking, consider Antique Altas instead. Some kind of map is needed to keep track of surface ore nuggets and actively mined veins.
  • If planning to do Bees, don't collect any hives until well established. Mark wild hive locations on the map for later. A Carpenter and steady supply of Wool is needed for meaningful progression. Early sugar production (TFC Sugar Cane or Valiant Bee lineage) is also helpful for the late-game Genetics mod. The Forestry Walnut saplings from the Grafter quest under the Blacksmith section are an easy way to grow lots of Seed Oil. Only Meadows, Wintry, Forest (rare), and Valiant bees (rare) are found naturally in the wild.
  • Bee Breeding can yield renewable sources of Diamonds and Emeralds, as well as some gem types. There are also metal producing bees but their yield is so low that it's much more efficient to pursue the Digital Miner or Excavator for common ores.
  • Cryolite is extremely valuable once the Arc Furnace is available. Every piece of Aluminum requires one Cryolite to process.
  • Armor from non-TFC mods does not provide any protection. When entering a hostile area or exploring away from base, always bring TFC armor and leave the utility armor at home.
  • TFC tools can be enchanted. Efficiency and Unbreaking work more or less as expected, while Fortune only affects a few ores such as coal, and Silk Touch doesn't work on any TFC ores.
  • Farm mobs during the Halloween and Christmas events for Lycanite exclusive Halloween Treats and Winter Gifts. They will drop either multiple resources or spawn an enemy (approx. 50/50 odds) even on Peaceful so be cautious and plan your arena accordingly. Flight and a ranged weapon are recommended.

Tech Progression

Rare Resources

The method of getting some key resources is not readily apparent from crafting recipes alone. The items below all have either unlisted or unusual methods of acquisition, or can be acquired more easily/earlier by an unconventional route.

From Named Mob Drops Leather Armor (enchanted), Empty Antique Atlas, Enchanted Stone Tools, Music Disks, Bed, Brewing Stand, Clock, Glowstone Dust, Flower Pot, Brick, Water Bottle (MC), Enchanted Book, Fishing Rod (TFC), Carrot on a Stick (MC), Blueprint (TFC), Empty Map (MC), Arrow (MC), Paper (MC), Netherwart (MC), Jack o’ Lantern, Name Tag, Anvil (MC, rare), Enchanted Wrought Iron (rare), Mushroom block (MC)
From Quest Book Rewards Reeds, Jute Seeds, Olive Tree Sapling, Nether Wart, Cloudberries (160oz), Adventurer’s Backpack, Raw Joust Meat, Common Walnut Sapling, Slimeballs, Melon Seeds, Vanilla Leather, Clockwork Mechanisms, Blaze Power/Blaze Rod, Metal Press Mold - Wire Coil, Cocoa Bean, Engineer’s Blueprint - Arc Electrodes, Modest Princess, Ender Princess, Tropical Princess, Steadfast Princess.
From Reward Bag Marshy Hive, Lemon Tree Saplings, Strawberry Bushes
Slimeballs Initial - Slime Beetle drop, Quest Book reward, Reward Bag, Roguelike Dungeon. Once a single Slimeball is acquired, infinite slime is possible by making Slime Arrows from Ropes+ and killing the resulting Slimes.
Ghast Tears Spawners for Mini-Ghasts are found in tall volcano-like towers with lava around the base and in wooden "Piston Houses" with an iron door and lever triggered piston floor.
Blaze Rods/Powder Blaze spawners can be found in Nether Stair ruins.
Soul Sand Craftable with Soul in a Jar. Do not use the recipe that requires a Clockwork Mechanism, as it is incredibly inefficient. Make a Blood Scythe or Bone Scythe from Necromancy and kill mobs with it while having empty Vanilla Bottles in inventory to make Souls in a Jar. Slimes from Slime Arrows are an excellent choice as they have very low HP.
Feathers Pluck feathers from Chickens or Pheasants. Killing them also yields more feathers.
Wool Shearing tamed Sheep with Shears yields two Wool, using a Knife gives only one. Vanilla Wool blocks can also be obtained from Beds processed in a Mekanism Crusher.
Fruit Tree Saplings Treants rarely spawn when breaking leaves, and can drop random fruit tree saplings or Kapok saplings.
Large Hide Bears and sometimes Minotaurs can drop the Large Hide needed for an early bed or 3x Leather (TFC).
Brewing Stand
Extra Hearts Mobs drop partial hearts and Meef can be crafted into 1/4 hearts for more lives in Hardcore mode.
Wither Skulls Wither Skeletons spawn in the Overworld alongside their normal variant.
Redstone Redstone Arrows place Restone Torches when fired, can be processed with Mekanism Crusher into infinite Redstone/Sticks.
Vanilla Saplings Saplings from Roguelike Dungeons can be combined with Silkworms to produce infinite String.
Vanilla Blocks Vanilla Dirt, Cobblestone, Gravel and Sand can be made with a Cobblestone Generator combined with Mekanism machines. Obtain Vanilla Lava + Water using a Vanilla Bucket on TFC source blocks. Squid Trophy will also spawn water blocks.
Vanilla Bucket Rare chest reward, or pick up a source block of Witch Water with a wooden TFC bucket. Use a Mekanism Fluid Tank to place the Witch Water down initially if lacking a bucket to get the process started.
Vanilla Flowers/Grass Seed Arrows will grow grass on dirt, and produce Vanilla flowers / Dead Bushes on grass blocks.
Hemp Seeds Use bonemeal on Vanilla Grass blocks to get tall grass, break the tall grass for a chance to get Hemp Seeds.
Tea Seeds Use bonemeal on Vanilla Grass blocks to get tall grass, break the tall grass for a chance to get Hemp Seeds. Tea plants need to be force-grown with more bonemeal. Hemp will grow normally even on TFC dirt.
Melons A Melon seed is a Quest Book reward, and can be grown on Vanilla dirt to obtain more seeds.
Pumpkins Vanilla Pumpkin Seeds are a possible drop from a Salty Treant, spawned with Lycanite's Winter Gift from the seasonal event.
Vanilla Ice The Freezing effect from Wintry Bees will turn Vanilla water blocks into Ice. Collect with any Silk Touch tool.
Vanilla Leather Very rare drop from named mobs, or once a day from OpenBlocks Cow Trophy. Cow Trophies are very rare drop from TFC Cows. Several equippable/upgrade items such as Steamcraft 2's Aqualung Module only accept MC Leather for their recipes.
Joust Meat Amber Cake can be obtained from the Lycanite's Mobs Winter Gift seasonal event drop, and crafted into Joust Meat for the Auto-Enchantment Table recipe.
Vanilla Chest Collect using a non-player method such as Luggage. Cannot be placed but useful for certain crafting recipes.
Gold Vanilla Gold / Nuggets from Zombie Pigman drops & trophies can be converted with the Oredictionificator to TFC Gold. Gold blocks cannot be crafted.
Vanilla Torch Vanilla Torches can be collected from Dungeon safe rooms, and duplicated with Ropes+ Torch Arrows.
Trapped Chest Trapped Chests can be found in Dungeons and unlike found Minecraft chests can be moved/relocated as normal. They have a much bigger inventory space than most other containers available to the player but cannot be crafted.