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This article is about Augments for 1.12. You may be looking for Augments for 1.7.10. |
Augments (1.12.X) are split into two different categories, each with their own purpose. They are Generic Augments and Specializations.
Generic Augments[edit]
Generic augments alter aspects of a machine, such as its RF consumption, speed, or secondary output. A comprehensive list is provided below.
- Auxiliary Reception Coil: Doubles the machine's RF storage capacity, as well as cutting the processing time in half[1], however, increases energy consumption by 10%.
- Auxiliary Sieve: Increases chance of secondary output by an unknown factor, as well as increasing energy consumption by 10%.
- Nullification Chamber: Destroys excess secondary outputs, preventing secondary outputs from jamming the machine.
Induction Smelter Augments[edit]
Only one augment is available specifically for this machine.
- Metallurgical Recovery: Provides a chance[2] to not consume Metallurgical Flux, as well as increasing RF consumption by 15%.
Phytogenic Insolator Augments[edit]
Two augments are available specifically for this machine.
- Nutrient Recovery: Provides a chance not to consume Fertilizer, as well as increasing RF consumption by 15%.
- Sapling Infuser: Allows trees to be grown, but cannot grow certain trees[3].
Sequential Fabricator Augments[edit]
Two augments are available specifically for this machine.
- Pattern Validation: Designates specific slots in the buffer (Slot 1 on the grid is the first column, and slot 8 is the eighth column) for each slot. Blocks any excess items that cannot fit inside those two slots.
- Fluidic Fabrication: Creates an internal fluid buffer, which can be used for crafting instead of pumping buckets in.
Alchemical Imbuer Augments[edit]
Only one augment is available specifically for this machine.
- Reagent Recovery: Provides a chance not to consume reagent, at the cost of 15% increase in RF consumption.
Dynamo Augments[edit]
Four augments are available specifically for this machine.
- Auxiliary Transmission Coil: Doubles the maximum RF/t a dynamo can output (Will consume twice as much fuel), as well as doubling the maximum RF storage.
- Fuel Catalyzer: Increases the RF each piece of fuel produces by 15%.
- Transmission Coil Ducting: Allows items and fluids to be pumped in through the top.
- Excitation Field Limiter: Shuts off the dynamo when it approaches maximum RF capacity.