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This article is about Augments for 1.12. You may be looking for Augments for 1.7.10.

Augments (1.12.X) are split into two different categories, each with their own purpose. They are Generic Augments and Specializations.

Generic Augments[edit]

Generic augments alter aspects of a machine, such as its RF consumption, speed, or secondary output. A comprehensive list is provided below.

  • Auxiliary Reception Coil: Doubles the machine's RF storage capacity, as well as cutting the processing time in half[1], however, increases energy consumption by 10%.
  • Auxiliary Sieve: Increases chance of secondary output by an unknown factor, as well as increasing energy consumption by 10%.
  • Nullification Chamber: Destroys excess secondary outputs, preventing secondary outputs from jamming the machine.

Induction Smelter Augments[edit]

Only one augment is available specifically for this machine.

  • Metallurgical Recovery: Provides a chance[2] to not consume Metallurgical Flux, as well as increasing RF consumption by 15%.

Phytogenic Insolator Augments[edit]

Two augments are available specifically for this machine.

  • Nutrient Recovery: Provides a chance not to consume Fertilizer, as well as increasing RF consumption by 15%.
  • Sapling Infuser: Allows trees to be grown, but cannot grow certain trees[3].

Sequential Fabricator Augments[edit]

Two augments are available specifically for this machine.

  • Pattern Validation: Designates specific slots in the buffer (Slot 1 on the grid is the first column, and slot 8 is the eighth column) for each slot. Blocks any excess items that cannot fit inside those two slots.
  • Fluidic Fabrication: Creates an internal fluid buffer, which can be used for crafting instead of pumping buckets in.

Alchemical Imbuer Augments[edit]

Only one augment is available specifically for this machine.

  • Reagent Recovery: Provides a chance not to consume reagent, at the cost of 15% increase in RF consumption.

Dynamo Augments[edit]

Four augments are available specifically for this machine.


  1. Approximated through testing
  2. Unknown Factor
  3. Needs more testing