Pneumatic Servo

Pneumatic Servo
Pneumatic Servo

Pneumatic Servo

Name Pneumatic Servo
Source Mod Thermal Expansion
ID Name Unknown
Type Component
Stackable Yes (64)

The Pneumatic Servo is one of the basic items in the Thermal Expansion mod. It is used in devices that do not require MJ to operate. Attaching a Pneumatic Servo to an Itemduct or Fluiduct will add a filter, allowing you to specify which items/liquids may be inserted into the connected inventory.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron Ingot


Iron Ingot

Pneumatic Servo

Item Filter

Item duct filter GUI with coal white-listed

When connected to an item duct with an adjacent inventory, the Pneumatic Servo can be used to filter the items placed into the inventory. Using the filter, the player can specify up to nine items to either black-list or white-list. Filters can also be set-up to consider or ignore item metadata. A redstone signal can be used to enable/disable the filter. Each side of the item duct can be filtered separately, as many as five filters can be set-up.

Note: As of Thermal Expansion, the Pneumatic Servo can no longer be used in this way - its function has been taken over by the Servo from the new Thermal Dynamics mod. It is, however, still available as a crafting item.


Pneumatic Servo can be used to create the following items: