Lumium Lamp

Lumium Lamp
Lumium Lamp

Name Lumium Lamp
Source Mod Thermal Expansion
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 450.0
Hardness 3.0
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light Yes (15)
Flammable No
Required Tool Crescent Hammer

Lumium Lamps and Radiant Lumium Lamps are blocks used for controllable lighting. They are powered with Redstone and can be colored with dyes. Lumium Lamps are plain shaded blocks, whereas Radiant Lumium Lamps have an extra thick glow when turned on.


Lamps can be configured by right-clicking them with a Thermal Expansion-compatible wrench. There are six modes:

  • Switched; Default Off: Selected by default, any redstone signal will turn on the lamp.
  • Switched; Default On: Any redstone signal will turn off the lamp.
  • Scaled (Proportional): The lamp will emit the amount of light proportional to the strength of the redstone signal received. For example, a signal of 10 will make the lamp emit a light level of 10.
  • Scaled (Inverse): The lamp will emit the opposite amount of light of the strength of the redstone signal received, out of the maximum 15. For example, a signal of 10 will make the lamp give off a light level of 5.
  • Always Off: The lamp will never emit light, regardless of redstone signal.
  • Always On: The lamp will always emit light, regardless of redstone signal.


Dyed Glowstone Illuminators, Radiant Lumium Lamps and Lumium Lamps

Lumium Lamps can be dyed from the default white by right-clicking the blocks while holding a dye. Doing so will consume the dye and play a note. Dyes have no effect on the level or color of light being emitted.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Lumium Blend

Hardened Glass
Lumium Blend
Hardened Glass

Signalum Ingot

Lumium Lamp
GUI Crafting Table.png
Lumium Ingot

Hardened Glass
Lumium Ingot
Hardened Glass

Signalum Ingot

Radiant Lumium Lamp