Witches Robes

Witches Robes
Witches Robes

Name Witches Robes
Source Mod Witchery
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No
Durability 81
Armor 3 (Armor.pngHalf Armor.png)

The Witches Robes is an armor item added by the Witchery mod. It offers a leather level of protection and can be enchanted. It can be repaired either by crafting it with 4 Impregnated Leather or with an anvil with regular leather. It also becomes invisible with the player even thought it is only a visual change that only influence other players.

Wearing it while brewing potions offers 35% chance of getting an extra brew. Stacks with Witches Hat.

While wearing it, Creepers may not attack you.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Impregnated Leather
Golden Thread (Witchery)
Impregnated Leather
Impregnated Leather
Creeper Heart
Impregnated Leather
Impregnated Leather
Impregnated Leather
Impregnated Leather
Witches Robes