Infusion of the Overworld

Infusion of the Overworld
Item Soul of the World.png
Name Infusion of the Overworld
Source Mod Witchery
ID Name Unknown
Type Enchantment
Stackable Unknown

The Infusion of Overworld is an until death duration enchantment applied to the player added by the Witchery mod. It infuses the power of the Overworld in the player allowing the player control over earth and metals. The enchantment is applied via the Rite of Infusion using a Soul of the World.

Passive Abilities

This infusion grants the wielder the ability to never take falling damage again at the cost of mining up the block they land on.
Also when falling, holding down shift causes an explosion where the witch lands.

Active Abilities

These require the Witches Hand.

  • Left-click: a close player/mob in metal armor to do a strong knockback attack.
  • Right-click: a close player/mob holding a metal item to disarm.
  • Right-click: the ground to raise a column of earth
  • Right-click: the side of a block with nothing blocking it on the other side to fire it in the direction you are facing, damaging where it lands.
  • Hold right-click: to create a shockwave of earth of knockback and damage to players/mobs in the way. The length of time spent holding down the right-click button make the shockwave stronger.
  • Hold right-click while holding shift: pulls dropped metal objects to you which can be good after using the disarm or can also be used to pull the ingots from metal ores.
  • Right-click: on metal ores to pull two ingots out.


GUI Ritual Circle Magic.png
Soul of the World

7 & 11
Altar Power: 2000