Resonant Rise
Resonant Rise | |
![]() | |
Name | Resonant Rise |
Creator | Resonant Rise Team |
Launcher | ATLauncher |
Latest Version | |
Minecraft Version | 1.7.10 |
Resonant Rise is a modpack made for MC version 1.7.10 by the Resonant Rise team and is hosted on the ATLauncher. It is considered to be one of the most popular modpacks.
Although a small number of mods are a required part of the pack, most are optional and do not need to be installed. Players may choose to use one of the provided mod presets and/or further customize the modpack by enabling or disabling specific mods.
- Eternity: These presets contain a collection of different mods without a specific theme and are ideal for normal creative or survival play.
- Lite: This set of mods is designed for newcomers to Minecraft mods and people who use a less powerful computer.
- Mainline: This preset contains some of the most popular mods in the pack and is intended for the average Minecraft player. All mods in Lite are also included in Mainline.
- Eras: These modes enable a thematically coherent set of mods that match an era of human history. In the future this will also include era-specific HQM questlines.
- Currently available eras are Primordial, Antiquity, Medieval, Discovery, Mechanized and Information.
- Multiple eras may be selected at once, and technically they can also be combined with Eternity modes, although especially the latter is not recommended and can have unintended side effects.
- Complete Eras: Each era has an optional "complete" setting that enables additional appropriate mods. Enabling this setting will also enable the corresponding era's normal setup and mod configuration. Unlike with base eras, only one "complete" setting may be selected at once.
- Yogifiers: These modes are made for the Yogscast and their viewers to use.
- Project Flux: The mod selection used in the Yogscast's Flux Buddies 2.0 series.
- Mode Modifiers: These small mod presets are intended as add-ons to other modes rather than a stand-alone mod setup.
- Hardcore Hunger: Centered around the Hunger Overhaul mod, this modifier makes hunger a more important and present element than usual.
Version of Resonant Rise contains the following mods:
Name | Version | Notes |
Advanced Generators | | Optional, included in Mainline, Mechanized, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Advanced Machines | 59.0.2 | Optional, included in Information Complete |
Advanced Repulsion Systems | 59.0.2 | Optional, included in Information Complete |
Advanced Solar Panels | 3.5.1 | Optional |
AE2 Stuff | | Optional, included in Mainline, Information, Project Flux |
Ancient Warfare 2 | 2.4.104-beta | Optional, included in Mainline, Discovery, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Another One Bites the Dust | 2.6.3 | |
AppleCore | 1.1.0 | |
Applied Energistics 2 | rv2-stable-8 | Optional, included in Lite, Information, Project Flux |
Archimedes' Ships | 1.7.1 | Optional, included in Antiquity, Discovery, Information Complete, Project Flux |
ArmorStatusHUD | 1.28 | Optional, client only |
Aroma1997Core | | Optional |
Aroma1997's Dimensional World | | Optional |
Artifacts | 1.1.1 | Optional, included in Antiquity Complete, Medieval, Project Flux |
Artifice | 1.1.5r-396 | Optional, included in Mainline, Primordial, Antiquity Complete, Project Flux |
AsieLib | 0.4.1 | |
AsieTweaks | 0.0.2 | |
Aura Cascade | 1.3 | Optional, included in Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Automagy | 0.25 | Optional, included in Mainline, Medieval, Discovery, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
AutoPackager | 1.5.3 | Optional, included in Project Flux, A |
Backpacks | 2.0.1 | |
Balkon's Weapon Mod | 1.14.3 | Optional, included in Medieval Complete, Absque Sole |
Baubles | | |
BDLib | | |
BiblioCraft | 1.10.4 | Optional, included in Lite, Medieval, Discovery, Mechanized, Information, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
BiblioWoods Biomes O' Plenty Edition | 1.9 | Optional, included in Lite, Medieval, Discovery, Mechanized, Information, Project Flux |
BiblioWoods Forestry Edition | 1.7 | Optional, included in Lite, Discovery, Mechanized, Information, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
BiblioWoods Natura Edition | 1.5 | Optional, included in Lite, Medieval, Discovery, Mechanized, Information, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Big Reactors | 0.4.3a | Optional, included in Mainline, Information, Project Flux |
Big Trees | 1.7.2b | Optional, included in Lite, Primordial, Antiquity Complete, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Binnie's Mods | 2.0-pre12 | Optional, included in Mainline, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Biomes O' Plenty | | Optional |
Blood Magic | 1.3.0b3 | Optional, included in Mainline, Primordial, Antiquity, Information, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
BluePower | 0.2.892 | Optional |
Botania | r1.6-193 | Optional, included in Mainline, Primordial, Antiquity, Medieval Complete, Information, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Brewcraft | 1.2.3 | Optional, included in Mainline, Discovery, Project Flux |
bspkrsCore | 6.16 | |
BuildCraft | 7.0.12 | Optional, included in Lite, Information, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Buildcraft Additions | 2.1.4 | Optional, included in Mainline, Absque Sole |
BuildCraft Compat | 7.0.8 | Optional, included in Absque Sole |
Calculator | 1.7.4 | Optional, included in Mainline, Project Flux |
Carpenter's Blocks | 3.3.6 | Optional, included in Mainline, Medieval Complete, Discovery, Mechanized, Information, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
ChickenChunks | | |
Chisel | | Optional, included in Lite, Antiquity, Medieval, Discovery, Mechanized, Information, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Chisel Facades | 2.11-cricket | Optional, included in Mainline, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Chisel Tones | 1.0-1 | Optional, included in Absque Sole |
ChocoCraft | 4.1.4 | Optional, included in Project Flux |
CodeChickenCore | | |
CodeChickenLib | | |
CoFHCore | 3.0.2-262 | |
CoFHLib | 1.0.2 | |
commons-codec | 1.9 | |
commons-compress | 1.8.1 | |
Compact Machines | 1.19b | Optional, included in Mainline, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
ComputerCraft | 1.73 | Optional, included in Mainline, Information, Project Flux |
Computronics | 1.5.1 | Optional, included in Mainline, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Cosmetic Armor | | Optional, included in Absque Sole |
CraftHeraldry | 1.1.3 | Optional, included in Mainline, Project Flux |
Custom Main Menu | 1.1 | |
Damage Indicators | 3.2.3 | Optional, client only |
Dark Menagerie | 1.7.10-beta-2.0 | Optional, included in Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Decocraft | 2.0.2_1.7.10 | Optional, included in Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Dense Ores | 1.6.2 | Optional, included in Mainline, Project Flux |
Dimensional Anchors | 59.0.2 | Optional, included in Lite, Project Flux |
Draconic Evolution | 1.0.1c | Optional, included in Mainline, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
EiraIRC | 2.8.270 | Optional, client only |
Electrical Age | beta 1.9_r46 | Optional, included in Mechanized Complete, Project Flux |
Enchanting Plus | 3.0.1 | Optional, included in Absque Sole |
Enchiridion 2 | 2.0.2a | |
Ender Compass | 1.1 | |
EnderIO | | Optional, included in Lite, Mechanized, Information, Project Flux |
Ender Storage | | |
Ender Zoo | | Optional, included in Mainline, Mechanized Complete, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
EnhancedPortals 3 | 3.0.12 | Optional, included in Lite, Information, Project Flux |
Eureka | 3.0.2 | Optional, included in Mainline, Absque Sole |
Ex Astris | 1.16-36 | Optional |
Ex Nihilo | 1.38-44 | Optional |
Extra Cells | 2.2.70b119 | Optional, included in Mainline, Information, Project Flux |
ExtraTiC | 1.4.5 | Optional, included in Mainline, Antiquity, Discovery, Information Complete, Project Flux |
Extra Utilities | 1.2.6 | Optional, included in Lite, Information, Project Flux |
Falling Meteors | 2.14.1 | Optional, included in Primordial |
FastCraft | 1.21 | Optional |
Flood Lights | 0.4.3 | Optional, included in Mainline, Absque Sole |
Fluxed Crystals | 1.0.1 | Optional, included in Mainline, Mechanized Complete, Project Flux |
Forbidden Magic | 0.562 | Optional, included in Mainline, Medieval, Discovery, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Forestry | | Optional, included in Mainline, Discovery, Mechanized, Information, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Forge Mod Loader | | |
ForgeMultipart | | |
Fossils & Archeology Revival | 7.1 | Optional, included in Primordial, Project Flux |
Funky Locomotion | beta-5c | Optional, included in Mainline, Information, Project Flux |
Fun World Gen | 1.0.3 | |
Galacticraft | | Optional, included in Mainline, Mechanized, Information Complete, Project Flux |
Gany's End | 1.10.0 | Optional, included in Lite, Mainline, Absque Sole |
Gany's Nether | 1.8.0 | Optional, included in Lite, Mainline, Absque Sole |
Gany's Surface | 1.11.1 | Optional, included in Lite, Mainline, Absque Sole |
GardenSutff | 1.6.2 | Optional, included in Project Flux |
Gendustry | | Optional, included in Mainline, Information, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Grimoire of Gaia 3 | 1.1.1 | Optional, included in Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Gravitation Suite | 2.0.3 | Optional, included in Information Complete |
Greg's Lighting | 1.11.1 | Optional, included in Mainline, Mechanized Complete, Project Flux |
GrowthCraft | 2.1.0a | |
Guide-API | 1.7.10-1.0.1-20 | |
Hardcore Ender Expansion | 1.8.1 | Optional, included in Absque Sole |
Hardcore Questing Mode | 4.2.2 | |
Headcrumbs | 1.5.1 | Optional |
Hopper Ducts | 1.3.2 | Optional, included in Primordial |
Hunger Overhaul | 1.0.0.jenkins75 | Optional, included in Hardcore Hunger |
Hydraulicraft | 2.0.87-87 | Optional |
Iguana Tweaks for Tinkers' Construct | 2.1.5 | Optional |
Immersive Engineering | 0.2.4 | Optional, included in Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Immibis Core | 59.1.0 | Optional, included in Lite, Information Complete, Project Flux |
Immibis' Peripherals | 59.0.2 | Optional, included in Mainline, Project Flux |
IndustrialCraft 2 API | 2.2.736-experimental-api | |
IndustrialCraft2 Experimental | 2.2.736 | Optional, included in Mechanized Complete, Information Complete, Absque Sole |
Infernal Mobs | 1.7.10 | |
InGame Info XML | | Optional, client only |
INpureCore | 1.0.0b9-62 | |
Inventory Tweaks | 1.59-dev-156 | Optional, client only |
Iridium Mod | 1.0.1 | |
Iron Chests | | |
IvToolkit | 1.2 | |
JABBA | 1.2.1 | |
Java 7 Checker | 1.0 | |
Journey Map - Fairplay | 5.0.1 | Optional, client only |
Journey Map - Unlimited | 5.0.1 | Optional, client only |
K4Lib | 0.1.35 | Optional |
Kore Sample | 1.3.0 | Optional |
Lava Monsters | 2.2.1 | Optional, included in Primordial Complete |
LibSandstone | 1.0.0 | |
Logistics Pipes | | Optional, included in Mainline, Information, Project Flux |
LunatriusCore | | |
Magical Crops | 4.0.0_public_beta_3 | Optional, included in Mainline, Medieval, Project Flux |
Magic Bees | 2.1.22 | Optional, included in Mainline, Discovery, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Magistics | 0.7.6 | Optional |
MalisisCore | 0.12.2 | Optional, included in Mainline, Mechanized, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
MalisisDoors | 1.8.2 | Optional, included in Mainline, Mechanized, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Mantle | 0.3.2.jenkins184 | |
Mekanism | | Optional, included in Lite, Information Complete, Project Flux |
Metallurgy 4 | | Optional, included in Project Flux |
Metallurgy Core | | Optional, included in Project Flux |
MicdoodleCore | | Optional, included in Mainline, Mechanized, Information Complete, Project Flux |
MineChem | | Optional, included in Mainline, Information, Project Flux |
Minecraft Coder Pack | 9.05 | |
Minecraft Forge | | |
MineFactory Reloaded | 2.8.0-104 | Optional, included in Lite, Mechanized, Project Flux |
MineTweaker 3 | 3.0.9c | |
MobiusCore | 1.2.5 | Optional |
ModTweaker | 0.8.0 | |
More Chisels | 1.0-20 | Optional |
Morpheus | 1.5.26 | Optional, server only |
Mouse Tweaks | 2.4.4 | Optional, client only |
MrTJPCore | | |
Natura | | |
NEI Addons | | |
NEI Integration | 1.0.9 | |
Nether Ores | 2.3.0rc4-7 | |
Not Enough Items | | |
Not Enough Keys | 1.0.0b29 | |
Not Enough Mods Version Checker | 1.0 | |
Not Enough Resources | | |
Nuclear Control | 2.0.8c | Optional, included in Mechanized Complete, Information Complete |
Old World Gen | 1.0.3 | |
OpenBlocks | 1.4.3 | |
OpenComputers | | Optional, included in Mainline, Information, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
OpenEye | 0.6 snapshot 141 | |
OpenModsLib | 0.7.3 | |
OpenPeripheral Addons | 0.3.1 | Optional, included in Mainline, Information Complete, Project Flux |
OpenPeripheral Core | 1.1.1 | Optional, included in Mainline, Information Complete, Project Flux |
OpenPeripheral Integration | 0.2.2 | Optional, included in Mainline, Information Complete, Project Flux |
Opis | 1.2.5 | Optional |
Ore Dictionary Converter | 1.6.1 | Optional, included in Absque Sole |
Pam's Harvest the Nether | 1.7.10a | Optional |
Pam's HarvestCraft | 1.7.10i | Optional, included in Lite, Mainline, Project Flux, Hardcore Hunger, Absque Sole |
Pistronics | 0.5.8 | Optional, included in Absque Sole |
PneumaticCraft | 1.8.2-84 | Optional, included in Mainline, Mechanized, Project Flux |
Power Converters | | Optional, included in Information Complete |
Pressure Pipes | | Optional, included in Absque Sole |
Primitive Mobs | 1.0c | Optional, included in Primordial Complete |
Professor Flaxbeard's Wondrous Steam Power Mod | 0.28.7 | Optional, included in Mainline, Discovery Complete, Project Flux |
Project Blue | 1.1.4 | Optional, included in Project Flux |
ProjectE | 1.6.0 | Optional |
Project Red | | Optional, included in Project Flux |
QmunityLib | 0.1.92 | Optional |
QuiverBow | b100 | Optional, included in Lite, Antiquity, Medieval, Discovery Complete, Mechanized, Information, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
QuiverMob | b14 | Optional, included in Mainline, Medieval Complete, Discovery Complete, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Railcraft | | Optional, included in Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Random Things | 2.2.4 | |
Realistic World Gen | alpha 1.3.2 | |
Recurrent Complex | | |
RedGearCore | 2.2.0 | |
Redstone Armory | 1.1-22 | Optional, included in Lite, Project Flux |
Redstone Arsenal | 1.1.0-80 | Optional, included in Lite, Project Flux |
Redstone Paste | 1.6.2 | Optional, included in Primordial Complete, Antiquity Complete, Absque Sole |
Refined Relocation | 1.0.8b | Optional, included in Lite, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
RFTools | 3.11beta1 | Optional, included in Mechanized Complete, Absque Sole |
Routers Reborn | | Optional, included in Mainline, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Sanguimacy | 1.1.9-29 | Optional, included in Mainline, Antiquity, Project Flux |
Scott's Tweaks | 1.3.0 | Optional |
Simply Jetpacks | 1.4.1 | Optional, included in Lite, Project Flux |
Soul Shards: Reborn | rc3 | Optional, included in Lite, Antiquity Complete, Project Flux |
sprinkles_for_vanilla | 1.0.5 | |
Statues | 2.1.4 | Optional, included in Antiquity, Medieval, Information |
StatusEffectHUD | 1.27 | Optional, client only |
Steve's Addons | 0.10.12 | Optional, included in Mainline, Information, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Steve's Carts | 2.0.0b18 | Optional, included in Mainline, Mechanized Complete, Information Complete, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Steve's Factory Manager | a93 | Optional, included in Lite, Discovery, Mechanized Complete, Information, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Steve's Workshop | 0.5.1 | Optional, included in Lite, Medieval, Mechanized Complete, Information, Project Flux |
Super Crafting Frame | | Optional, included in Lite, Primordial, Project Flux |
TC Node Tracker | 1.7.10-1.1.1 | Optional, client only |
Technomancy | 0.11.1 | Optional, included in Mainline, Information Complete, Project Flux |
Thaumcraft 4 | | Optional, included in Lite, Medieval, Discovery, Information Complete, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Thaumcraft NEI Plugin | 1.7a | Optional, client only |
Thaumcraft Node Tracker | 0.99rc1 | Optional, client only |
Thaumic Energistics | | Optional, included in Mainline, Project Flux |
Thaumic Tinkerer 2 | 2.5-489 | Optional, included in Mainline, Medieval, Discovery, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
The Erebus | 0.2a | Optional, included in Primordial Complete, Project Flux |
Thermal Dynamics | 1.0.0-122 | Optional, included in Lite, Project Flux |
Thermal Expansion | 4.0.1-182 | Optional, included in Lite, Mechanized, Information, Project Flux |
Thermal Foundation | 1.0.0-81 | |
Thermal Recycling | | Optional, included in Project Flux |
Thermal Smeltery | 1.2.1 | Optional, included in Lite, Project Flux |
TickDynamic | 0.1.2 | Optional, server only |
TickProfiler | | Optional, server only |
Tinkers' Construct | 1.8.5 | Optional, included in Lite, Antiquity, Discovery, Information, Project Flux |
Tinkers' Construct Tooltips | 1.2.4 | Optional, client only |
Tinkers' Mechworks | | Optional, included in Mainline, Project Flux |
Torcherino | rc2 | Optional |
Translocators | | Optional, included in Lite, Antiquity, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
ttCore | 0.1.1-77 | |
Tubes | 2.0.5 | Optional, included in Mainline, Discovery, Project Flux |
Tweaks--RRino | 0.0.1 | Optional |
Twilight Forest | 2.3.7 | Optional, included in Mainline, Medieval, Project Flux |
VeinMiner | 0.27.1 | Optional |
VeinMiner Mod Integration | 0.4.2.unknown[sic] | Optional |
VoxelMap | 1.5.13 | Optional, client only |
Waila | 1.5.10 | |
Waila Harvestability | 1.1.2 | |
Waila Plugins | 0.0.1-15 | |
Wawla | 1.3.0 | |
Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition | | Optional, included in Lite, Project Flux |
Witchery | 0.24.1 | Optional, included in Mainline, Antiquity, Medieval, Discovery, Project Flux, Absque Sole |
Xeno's Reliquary | 1.2 | Optional, included in Absque Sole |
ZTones | 2.2.1 | Optional, included in Mechanized, Absque Sole |