Powered Spawner

Powered Spawner
Powered Spawner

Name Powered Spawner
Source Mod EnderIO
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 10.0
Hardness 2.0
Energy 320 to 3,000 RF/t
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Crescent Hammer Wrench

The Powered Spawner is a block added by the EnderIO mod.

A machine that spawns creatures when supplied with energy. It can spawn or capture mobs as far as 4 blocks away. It must be combined with a Broken Spawner on an Anvil to set the type of mob it will spawn. Broken spawners can be acquired by breaking a vanilla Minecraft spawner (with silk touch). A Broken Spawners type can be changed by combining it with a Soul Vial of the desired type in a Soul Binder to allow spawning of other creatures. The Powered Spawner is upgradeable with a capacitor for increased power usage and spawn rate.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Electrical Steel Ingot
Skeleton Skull
Skeleton Skull
Electrical Steel Ingot
Electrical Steel Ingot
Machine Chassis (EnderIO)
Electrical Steel Ingot
Vibrant Crystal
Z-Logic Controller
Vibrant Crystal
Powered Spawner

GUI Anvil.png
Powered Spawner
Broken Spawner
Powered Spawner
Powered Spawner (Mob)


Capacitor Energy Storage Spawn Rate[1][2]
None 100,000 RF ~2-4/min (×1)
Double Layer 200,000 RF ~4-12/min (×2-3)
Octadic 500,000 RF ~8-20/min (×4-5)

Energy used depends on the type of mobs and upgrade.

Mob Energy Used
Double Layer
Chicken, Pig, Sheep, Cow 80 RF/t 250 RF/t 750 RF/t
Mooshroom, Zombie,
Spider, Cave Spider
160 RF/t 500 RF/t 1,500 RF/t
Creeper 240 RF/t 750 RF/t 2,250 RF/t
Skeleton, Magma Cube 320 RF/t 1,000 RF/t 3,000 RF/t
Blaze, Zombie Pigman, Slime 800 RF/t 2,500 RF/t 7,500 RF/t
Ghast, Enderman 1,600 RF/t 5,000 RF/t 15,000 RF/t


Powered Spawner can be used to create the following items:
  • Powered Spawner Powered Spawner


  1. The energy for spawning mobs is not fixed and is random in some way, so the spawn rate is not indicated accurately.
  2. Mobs often spawn in groups of up to 4 inclusive.