User:dgelessus/Quest List

< User:Dgelessus

Spoiler warning!
This article contains detailed information of discoveries, recipes, or secrets, which are intended to be discovered through in-game mechanics.

Its[sic] been a horrible 10 years. Code Wizards meddled in the balance of nature and released hordes of monsters from other dimensions on an unsuspecting world. Not satisfied with just destroying the human life, the monsters rampaged across the world eating everything they could find and leaving nothing in their wake but empty void. The great mage trio Dusk, VSWE and Scott approached you with an offer. They had just enough power to protect your home and a small amount of land from the final devastation. In return for their protection you agreed to collect the materials and resources the creators would need to remake the world once the hordes retreated back to the hell realms. The great trio cast their spell to protect you while the Magician Way of Flowing Time forced the evil armies into submission and ordered them back to their dimensions. Upon waking up you find that the creators "The Jaded One" and "The Cute One" had left a small amount of supplies to get you started. They apologized for not being able to give you more. If you complete the tasks assigned you will receive more rewards to help you in your mission. It is up to you to recreate the world. To provide a home for the poor lonely creatures left alone and homeless. To repopulate the planet. To this end the Jaded one has compiled a list of the many items and fluids that will be needed. This book will magically update your progress as you complete quests and may at times have new quests added if she sees she missed a requirement. To start, punch tree... get wood.

Learning to Skyblock

Alas all has been lost, you are the sole survivor(s) of this devastating tragedy. Now it’s up to you rebuild the world and create a new community which can flourish once again. Starting with only this little skyblock created by omnipotent goddesses; The Jaded One and The Cute One. Who chose to abandon you after this final act of mercy with nothing more than a book… This book…. Filled with quests.To start on your journey you must first get a grasp of the basics of survival in this brand new world.

Grid Quest Book.png Using the Book

Unlocked by default



This book is a new invention from VSWE, ScottWears and LordDusk. You may be wondering how to use this book. On the off chance that you have no idea what you are doing this very small series of quests will give you a few guidelines. First off if you right click on any page you will go back to the previous page/menu. If a quest is dark it is locked and you will ned[sic] to complete one or more quests to unlock the quest. In the first menu of this book you should have noticed several numbered sets of quests, some of which are locked. You will have to complete quests found in a different set to unlock new sets of quests. There are several types of tasks and 3 ways to submit quests for completion. The first type of quest is the crafting quest. This quest will tell you to craft a specific item or block. Once you craft the required item in any crafting grid the book will update the quest completion. The third way of submitting items for completion is called Detection. Have the item in your inventory and press "Manual Detect" and the book will see you have the item and the quest will complete if all the tasks are done.

Crafting task

Crafting task:

Craft a wooden plank

Grid Book Binder (Enchiridion).png The Librarian

Unlocked by:


During the course of playing you are going to end up with a lot of books that guide you through the mods and the map. Rather than keep them in seperate[sic] inventory slots you can combine them into a book binder. Any book in a book binder can be accessed by right clicking it from inside the book binder GUI.

Detection task

Detection task:

A task where the player needs specific items. These do not have to be handed in, having them in one's inventory is enough.



Grid Template (BuildCraft).png TemplateQuest

Unlocked by:





Crafting task:


Pick one:



Consume task:


Pick one:


Reward Bags

Tier Color Basic Good Greater Epic Legendary
Not so good Red 50 50 20 0 0
Ok but not great Gray 50 50 50 1 0
Useful Green 20 30 40 5 1
Nice! Blue 0 10 30 15 10
Very Nice Orange 0 0 12 18 21
ZOMG! Purple 0 0 3 4 30
Morvy Decor Cyan 50 50 20 10 0
Holy #$%^ Light Blue 0 0 0 2 15
Very Special Black 0 0 1 1 1

Not so good

Troll 1

Maximum retrieval count: 2

Troll 2

Maximum retrieval count: 2

Troll 3

Maximum retrieval count: 1

Troll 4

Maximum retrieval count: 2

Troll 5

Maximum retrieval count: 1

Troll 6

Maximum retrieval count: 3

Troll 8

Maximum retrieval count: 1

Troll 20

Maximum retrieval count: 1

Troll 33

Maximum retrieval count: 1


Maximum retrieval count: 1

Trol 45

Maximum retrieval count: 1

Trol 64

Maximum retrieval count: 2


Maximum retrieval count: 2

Ok but not great

Music Box

Maximum retrieval count: 1


Maximum retrieval count: 1


Maximum retrieval count: 2


Maximum retrieval count: 1


Maximum retrieval count: 1


Maximum retrieval count: 2

Saplings 1

Maximum retrieval count: 2


Bags of Storage

Maximum retrieval count: 1

Spawn set

Maximum retrieval count: 1


Maximum retrieval count: 2


Maximum retrieval count: 1


Maximum retrieval count: 3

Sapling 2

Maximum retrieval count: 1

Sapling 3

Maximum retrieval count: 1


Maximum retrieval count: 2


Maximum retrieval count: 2


Maximum retrieval count: unlimited


Magic Flowers

Maximum retrieval count: 1


Maximum retrieval count: 1

Bee 1

Maximum retrieval count: 1

Bee keeping

Maximum retrieval count: 2


Maximum retrieval count: 4

Hammer 2

Maximum retrieval count: 1

Enchanting set

Maximum retrieval count: 1

Mob spawn

Maximum retrieval count: 1

Ender Lily

Maximum retrieval count: 3


Maximum retrieval count: 2

Nether Ore 2

Maximum retrieval count: 1


Maximum retrieval count: 2

Bee 4

Maximum retrieval count: 2

Oblivion Set

Maximum retrieval count: unlimited

Potion 3

Maximum retrieval count: 1

TC 65

Maximum retrieval count: 4


Maximum retrieval count: 2

Very Nice

Fish basket

Maximum retrieval count: 2

Armor High

Maximum retrieval count: 2

TC 2

Maximum retrieval count: 2

TC 3

Maximum retrieval count: 2

Ore Dust

Maximum retrieval count: 3


Maximum retrieval count: 1

TC 5

Maximum retrieval count: 1

Nether Ore 1

Maximum retrieval count: 1


Maximum retrieval count: 2

AE stuff

Maximum retrieval count: 2


Maximum retrieval count: 1



Maximum retrieval count: 1

TC 1

Maximum retrieval count: 2


Maximum retrieval count: 1


Maximum retrieval count: 1

TC 7

Maximum retrieval count: 1

TC 10

Maximum retrieval count: 1


Maximum retrieval count: 1


Maximum retrieval count: 2


Maximum retrieval count: 2

Morvy Decor

Colored Stone

Maximum retrieval count: 4


Maximum retrieval count: 4


Maximum retrieval count: 4

MFR blocks

Maximum retrieval count: 4

Wood 2

Maximum retrieval count: 2

Holy #$%^


Maximum retrieval count: 1

Very Special

Epic Troll

Maximum retrieval count: 1

  • 1 × Start Start (Owner: jadedcat, Access Mode: Public Access, Contents: [1])


  1. Contains a series of strongboxes containing strongboxes (and so forth) that are identical to the first one, except for their name and contents. They have the following names: Maybe the Next?, Not Yet, Soon, ETA Soonish, Try the Next, Almost There, No not Really, One Day, Does this End?, Probably Not, Are we There yet?, OMG So many..., How about now? The last strongbox is empty.