ME Precision Import Bus

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ME Precision Import Bus
ME Precision Import Bus

Name ME Precision Import Bus
Source Mod Applied Energistics
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Unknown

The ME Precision Import Bus allows more functionality over the ME Basic Import Bus. By default, it will import any item in the attached inventory, but you can specify up to 8 different items to allow it to import. In addition, you can have it import 1 item per operation or an entire stack, and you can have the import respond to a redstone signal. When working with items that have a damage value, the damage value must be exact, or the Bus will treat it as a different item (i.e. a Diamond Sword that is 1/2 damaged is treated differently than a partially damaged one)

Options for the redstone signal are:

  • Active Always (Ignore)
  • Active With
  • Active Without (Redstone signal turns off import)
  • Once per Pulse -- Activates one time per redstone signal, requiring a full 'off' before allowing another import.

Each Import Bus requires 1 Energy Unit / tick.


GUI Crafting Table.png
ME Basic Import Bus
ME Basic Processor

ME Precision Import Bus