Ultimate Universal Cable

Ultimate Universal Cable
Ultimate Universal Cable

Name Ultimate Universal Cable
Source Mod Mekanism
ID Name Unknown
Type Cable
Stackable Yes (64)

The Ultimate Universal Cable is the fourth and final tier of Universal Cables in Mekanism. The Ultimate Universal Cable is capable of transferring the equivalent of 128,000 RF/t.

Universal Cables are capable of transferring multiple types of energy between different storage systems. Universal Cables are capable of transferring BuildCraft MJs, RF, EU and of course Mekanism's own Joules.

The conversion rate is 4 RF to 1 EU from Thermal Expansion to IndustrialCraft2.

Providing a redstone signal to a Universal Cable will cause the cable to disconnect from adjacent cables and stop transferring power. This can be used as a switch to toggle the energy flow.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Atomic Core
Elite Universal Cable
Atomic Core

Ultimate Universal Cable

From Mekanism 6.0.2

GUI Crafting Table.png
Atomic Core
Basic Universal Cable
Atomic Core

Ultimate Universal Cable



  • Some Versions of Mekanism Universal Cable have an error in communication with Ender IO conduits that can lead to a negative power output, ranging from -1 to -2,000,000,000 a tick. Forcing direction on Ender IO conduits can limit problems, but server lag can still incur from the miscommunication.
  • Another workaround is to use the mod QuantumFlux, as it has energy storage called Quibit that get around the transfer of power communication malfunction. There still will be server/client lag but far less.
  • An exploit can be used to create creative power from the communication error, though could crash the server. By using several Universal cable connected together to create the net gain of power you want, as the output will be the total power in the Universal cable stored, then connecting a Cryo-Stabilized Fluxduct to an Ender IO Capacitor Bank any power stored in the capacitor will stay and the full stored power in the Universal cables will transfer to any energy/RF storage device you have connected to it.