Fusion Reactor (Mekanism)

Fusion Reactor
Fusion Reactor

Fusion Reactor

Name Fusion Reactor
Source Mod Mekanism
ID Name Unknown
Type Structure
Stackable Unknown

The Fusion Reactor is a multi-block generator used to produce energy and heat, and optionally Steam if supplied with Water. Fusion Reactor can use the following fuels for the same energy production :

  • D-T Fuel : the consumption is automatically set to use all D-T Fuel available instantly.
  • Deuterium and Tritium : the consumption can be set in the GUI. A rate of 2 means 1 mB/t of Deuterium and 1 mB/t of Tritium consumed. This method seems a better way than the first one, because it allows a better control on the energy produced, and avoids the energy loss during D-T Fuel creation.

To initiate the nuclear reaction, you need to :


Example Structure

Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Logic Adapter
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Logic Adapter
Reactor Controller (Mekanism)
Reactor Logic Adapter
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame

Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Glass (Mekanism)
Reactor Frame

Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Port
Reactor Frame
Reactor Port
Reactor Frame
Reactor Port
Reactor Frame
Reactor Glass (Mekanism)
Laser Focus Matrix (Mekanism)
Reactor Glass (Mekanism)
Reactor Frame

Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Port
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Glass (Mekanism)
Reactor Frame

Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame
Reactor Frame