Ultimate Energy Cube

Ultimate Energy Cube
Ultimate Energy Cube

Name Ultimate Energy Cube
Source Mod Mekanism
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable No
Blast Resistance 12.0
Hardness 2.0
Energy 128,000 kJ
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Crescent Hammer Wrench

The Ultimate Energy Cube is a block added by the Mekanism mod. An energy storage device compatible with most mods' energy systems. The Ultimate Energy Cube is the highest tier with an internal buffer of 128,000 kilo Joule (kJ) and an output capacity of 51.2 kJ per sec. Right-clicking on a side with a Wrench will set it as output (marked with a panel), all other sides can receive energy. The Cube will keep the energy stored when removed with a Wrench (Shift+Right-click). When the cube is in the player's inventory, hovering over the cube and pressing Shift will display additional information about it.

Recipe [1]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Atomic Alloy
Energy Tablet
Atomic Alloy
Elite Energy Cube
Atomic Alloy
Energy Tablet
Atomic Alloy
Ultimate Energy Cube

Prior to MC version 1.7.10

GUI Crafting Table.png
Atomic Core
Obsidian Ingot
Atomic Core
Energy Tablet
Elite Energy Cube
Energy Tablet
Atomic Core
Obsidian Ingot
Atomic Core
Ultimate Energy Cube


Ultimate Energy Cube has no known uses in crafting.


  1. Jump up Diamond Diamond can be substituted with Industrial Diamond Industrial Diamond.

See Also

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