Quarried Stone

Quarried Stone
Quarried Stone

Name Quarried Stone
Source Mod Railcraft
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Stone Pickaxe

Quarried Stone is a world generation ore block from the Railcraft mod. It spawns in large deposits near the surface of forest biomes. Unlike normal stone, mining quarried stone yields the stone, not a cobblestone. While not used in any functional crafting recipes, quarried stone and its variants are an excellent building material, being more durable and blast proof than regular stone.


After Quarried Stone is smelted into a Quarried Block, it can be turned into various other cosmetic blocks, including Fitted Quarried Stone, Quarried Brick, Ornate Quarried Stone, and Etched Quarried Stone.

GUI Furnace.png
Quarried Stone
Quarried Block

See also

  • Marble - A very similar block from RedPower 2, but is no longer in the latest versions of FTB.