Item Unloader

Item Unloader
Item Unloader

Name Item Unloader
Source Mod Railcraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Machine
Stackable Yes (64)
Loader ex.png

The Item Unloader is a machine from the Railcraft mod. Its main use is to take items out of minecarts with an inventory like Chest Carts and as such is a key component in a Railcraft transportation network. It is also used to craft the Adv. Item Unloader.

The Item Unloader must be placed under the track the minecart will pass over. They can place items into adjacent inventories like chests, furnaces or Coke Ovens. It is also possible to pipe items out of them via standard methods like a Wooden Transport Pipe and Redstone Engine from BuildCraft.

The Item Unloader is also capable of emitting a redstone signal to the track above it, allowing it to directly trigger Boarding Tracks or Holding Tracks without complicated redstone logic. This GUI, shown below, can also configure which types of carts to place items into as well as what items will be placed.




  • Filters - This grid of items is used by the Item Unloader to determine which and how many items will be taken out of the cart. Simply place a stack into the grid and the type and quantity of items will be copied into the grid. You can decrease the quantity by left clicking and increase it by right clicking. If no items are in the filter, all items will be pulled from the cart.
  • Buffer - The internal storage of the Item Unloader, it can hold 9 stacks of items on its own.
  • Carts - The item Unloader can be configured with different settings for two types of cart. Place a cart into one of the two cart slots to edit the settings for that type of cart.

Item Move Settings

  • All - The Item Unloader will take all items of the given type out of the cart.
  • Transfer - The Item Unloader will take only the specified number of items out of the cart.
  • Stock - The Item Unloader will take items out of the cart so that the buffer or adjacent inventory matches the filter.
  • Excess - The Item Unloader will take out all items but the ones in the filter.

Redstone Settings

  • Immediate - The Item Unloader will emit a redstone signal immediately, even if no items were moved.
  • Complete - The Item Unloader will emit a redstone signal when it is finished removing the specified items from the cart.
  • Manual - The Item Unloader will never emit a redstone signal. You must provide the signal by other means, such as with an Item Detector.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Detector - Item
Item Unloader

Pre 1.5 Modpack Recipe

GUI Crafting Table.png
Detector - Item


Item Unloader


Item Unloader has no known uses in crafting.