Track Relayer Cart

Track Relayer Cart
Track Relayer Cart

Name Track Relayer Cart
Source Mod Railcraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Cart
Stackable Yes

If you've ever been faced with upgrading a line from plain old worn out Track to nice shiny new Reinforced Track, then I'm sure you wished you had something like this. The Track Relayer will replace one type of Track with another as it passes over it.

It can only replace one type of Track per cart.

If linked to a Chest Cart, it will pull new Tracks from the Chest Cart and deposit old Tracks.

This cart is not self powered, requiring either booster or a powered cart like a Steam Locomotive to push it down the tracks.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Yellow Dye (Minecraft)
Redstone Lamp
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Block of Steel (Railcraft)
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Track Relayer Cart