Wooden Post

Wooden Post
Wooden Post

Name Wooden Post
Source Mod Railcraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable Yes
Required Tool Crowbar Any tool will work, but an axe is the most efficient.

The Wooden Post is a block added by Railcraft. An engineering block somewhat like a Wooden Fence, Wooden Posts are made from Wooden Ties, which are made from Wood Slabs and Creosote. Like fencing, Wooden post counts as 1.5 block high, preventing it from being jumped over. However, unlike most fences, Wooden posts mesh better with other blocks and each other, allowing the player to construct more realistic structures like trestles. Minecart tracks and many Railcraft machines may also be placed on Wooden posts, allowing them to act as bridges or scaffolding.

While probably the cheapest of Railcraft posts, Wooden posts are flammable and cannot by dyed like Metal Posts. The fact that they require Creosote Oil may also make other posts more convenient for players without a good Coke Oven setup.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Wooden Tie

Wooden Post


Wooden Post has no known uses in crafting.

See Also

  • Scaffold Scaffold - An engineering block from IndustrialCraft2, it is geared more towards creating structures for people rather than minecarts.
  • Stone Post Stone Post - Another type of Railcraft post, but made of stone and designed to be used with Concrete structures.