Wooden Tie

Wooden Tie
Wooden Tie

Name Wooden Tie
Source Mod Railcraft
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

A Wooden Tie is an item added by Railcraft. They are made from Wood Slabs coated with Creosote, which can be obtained from the Coke Oven. Their only use is in crafting additional Railcraft items like Wooden Posts, Wooden Rails and Wooden Railbeds. As most tracks require at least one of these items to craft, any prospective railway engineer will need a good supply of Wooden Ties to get started.


Note: Any Wooden Slab and any 1000mB Creosote Oil container may be used. However, a Creosote Bucket is the only container that will not be consumed when the Wooden Tie is crafted.

GUI Crafting Table.png
Creosote Bucket

Wood Slab
Wood Slab
Wood Slab
Wood Slab
Wood Slab
Wood Slab

Wooden Tie

Creosote Bucket Creosote Bucket can be substituted with the following items: Creosote Bottle Creosote Bottle, Creosote Cell Creosote Cell, Creosote Can Creosote Can, Creosote Capsule Creosote Capsule.


Using a Carpenter to craft Wooden Ties can be more efficient, as it only uses 0.750 Buckets of Creosote Oil per Wooden Tie, rather than the 1 Bucket used in a Crafting Table, and can be automated.

GUI Carpenter.png
Wood Slab
Wood Slab
Wood Slab

Fluid Gauge GUI 116.png

Wooden Tie

GregTech 5

GUI Chemical Bath GT5.png
Chemical Bath
Wood Slab
Wood Slab
Creosote Oil
Wooden Tie

800 EU
4 EU/t
4 EU
10 secs


Wooden Tie can be used to create the following items: