World Interaction Upgrade

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World Interaction Upgrade
World Interaction Upgrade

Name World Interaction Upgrade
Source Mod Extra Utilities
ID Name
First Appearance ExtraUtilities 0.3
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

The World Interaction Upgrade (formerly known as Mining Upgrade) is an upgrade item added by the Extra Utilities mod. The World Interaction Upgrade placed into a Transfer Node (Items) gives it the ability to mine blocks and also collect items thrown at it, even through several layers of solid blocks. More Placing it into a Transfer Node (Liquids) gives it the ability to collect liquid blocks. Additional upgrades increase the rate of interactions or increase items pick-up area.

An item transfer node containing at least one World Interaction Upgrade will attempt to pick up nearby dropped items, doing so even through solid walls. This is especially useful for use in mob grinders or other applications where dropped items need to be collected from a hostile area. But for this you need additional upgrades, which will increase working range. Also note that node can pick up items only from the side where it is directed.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Lapis Lazuli
Iron Ingot
Lapis Lazuli
Iron Ingot
Iron Pickaxe
Iron Ingot
Lapis Lazuli
Iron Ingot
Lapis Lazuli
World Interaction Upgrade

Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved Expert Mode[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Lapis Lazuli
Iron Ingot
Lapis Lazuli
Iron Ingot
Diamond Pickaxe
Iron Ingot
Lapis Lazuli
Iron Ingot
Lapis Lazuli
World Interaction Upgrade


World Interaction Upgrade has no known uses in crafting.