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Culinary Generator - Feed The Beast Wiki

Culinary Generator

Culinary Generator
Culinary Generator

Name Culinary Generator
Source Mod Extra Utilities
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 25.0
Hardness 5.0
Solid Yes
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Wooden Pickaxe

The Culinary Generator is a block added by the Extra Utilities mod.

This Generator produces energy from burning different types of food as fuel. The GUI shows the time left to burn the fuel unit consumed. The Generator keeps the energy stored when removed.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Survivalist Generator
Iron Ingot
Culinary Generator

Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved Expert Mode[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Firm Tofu
Firm Tofu
Firm Tofu
Iron Gear (BuildCraft)
Iron Gear (BuildCraft)
Culinary Generator


Note: these might not be correct for the most recent versions of Extra Utilities

The total RF per food item can be calculated as follows:

Cake does not follow these Formulas but instead does 1500 ticks * 64 RF


An comprehensive list of food accepted as fuel with the corresponding energy output and duration:

Fuel Type Energy Burn Time (ticks) RF/t
Apple Apple 8,656 541 16
Mushroom Stew Mushroom Stew 25,944 1,081 24
Cooked Chicken Cooked Chicken 25,944 1,081 24
Baked Potato Baked Potato 25,944 1,081 24
Glowshroom Stew Glowshroom Stew 25,944 1,081 24
Bread Bread 21,620 1,081 20
Cooked Fish Cooked Fish 21,620 1,081 20
Raw Porkchop Raw Porkchop 6,492 541 12
Raw Beef Raw Beef 6,492 541 12
Cooked Porkchop Cooked Porkchop 46,112 1,141 32
Steak Steak 46,112 1,141 32
Golden Apple Golden Apple 31,696 1,981 16
Raw Fish Raw Fish 1,448 181 8
Raw Salmon Raw Salmon 1,448 181 8
Cookie Cookie 1,448 181 8
Clownfish Clownfish 724 181 4
Pufferfish Pufferfish 724 181 4
Cooked Salmon Cooked Salmon 34,584 1,441 24
Cake Cake 96,000 1,500 64
Melon Slice Melon Slice 4,328 541 8
Raw Chicken Raw Chicken 4,328 541 8
Poisonous Potato Poisonous Potato 4,328 541 8
Rotten Flesh Rotten Flesh 2,896 181 16
Spider Eye Spider Eye 11,528 1,441 8
Carrot Carrot 17,296 1,081 16
Potato Potato 2,164 541 4
Golden Carrot Golden Carrot 47,544 1,981 24
Pumpkin Pie Pumpkin Pie 17,312 541 32
Raw Imphide Raw Imphide 4,332 361 12
Cooked Imphide Cooked Imphide 34,592 1,081 32
Raw Meat Ingot Raw Meat Ingot 23,056 1,441 16
Cooked Meat Ingot Cooked Meat Ingot 54,758 1,441 38
Raw "Meat" Nugget Raw "Meat" Nugget 1,444 361 4
Cooked "Meat" Nugget Cooked "Meat" Nugget 5,776 361 16
Golden Head Golden Head 31,696 1,981 16
Gelatinous Slime Gelatinous Slime 13,680 1,710 8
Coagulated Blood Coagulated Blood 13,680 1,710 8
Bacon Bacon 17,296 1,081 16
Jeweled Apple Jeweled Apple 46,800 2,925 16
Beef Jerky Beef Jerky 54,720 1,710 32
Chicken Jerky Chicken Jerky 34,584 1,441 24
Bacon Jerky Bacon Jerky 54,720 1,710 32
Mutton Jerky Mutton Jerky 34,584 1,441 24
Fish Jerky Fish Jerky 28,820 1,441 20
Monster Jerky Monster Jerky 11,536 721 16
Gelatinous Slime Drop Gelatinous Slime Drop 41,040 1,710 24
Coagulated Blood Drop Coagulated Blood Drop 11,536 721 16
Handful of Jelly Babies Handful of Jelly Babies 4,324 1,081 4


Culinary Generator can be used to create the following items: