Pseudo Round Robin Upgrade

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Pseudo Round Robin Upgrade
Pseudo Round Robin Upgrade

Pseudo Round Robin Upgrade

Name Pseudo Round Robin Upgrade
Source Mod Extra Utilities
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

The Pseudo Round Robin Upgrade is an upgrade item added by the Extra Utilities mod. It Changes the behavior of the Transfer Node to ensure a more even distribution of items among multiple inventories. Like the Depth-First Search Upgrade it prevents the node from resetting its search for an inventory to empty its buffer into, but unlike the Depth-First Search Upgrade it prevents it even if the buffer completely empties, only allowing the inventory search to reset back to the node once the entire network of Transfer Pipe has been searched. Even if the inventory the node draws from empties and the node lies dormant for some time, when more items are added the transfer node will resume filling inventories where it left off, rather starting over at the node.

The node will still empty its entire buffer every chance it gets, so even though Not Enough Items will provide a description that says "Note: it does guarantees an even distribution of items.", this is only true with items that do not stack, when using a Stack Upgrade, or when the transfer network is carefully laid out to ensure that every inventory is equidistant the next.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Block of Redstone
Gold Nugget
Block of Redstone
Block of Redstone
Gold Ingot
Gold Nugget
Block of Redstone
Gold Nugget
Block of Redstone
Pseudo Round Robin Upgrade


Pseudo Round Robin Upgrade has no known uses in crafting.

See also

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