Depth-First Search Upgrade

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Depth-First Search Upgrade
Depth-First Search Upgrade

Depth-First Search Upgrade

Name Depth-First Search Upgrade
Source Mod Extra Utilities
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

The Depth-First Search Upgrade is an upgrade item added by the Extra Utilities mod. It changes the behavior of the Transfer Node to allow for faster item transfer in complex networks of Transfer Pipe. By default when a transfer node reaches a dead end in the transfer network (such as a filter that won't accept what's in the node) the node will reset its search through the network back to 0 (itself) and begin the search again down a new random path (which can even be the same path). The Depth-First Search Upgrade prevents the node from resetting back to 0, and instead resets its search back to the last junction where the node could have gone another way and picks a new random direction other than the on it just searched. The transfer node will only reset its search back to the node if the entire transfer network has been searched or if the transfer node empties its buffer.

This upgrade does not function in the Transfer Node (Energy).


GUI Crafting Table.png
Speed Upgrade (Extra Utilities)
Block of Redstone
Block of Redstone
Speed Upgrade (Extra Utilities)
Gold Ingot
Speed Upgrade (Extra Utilities)
Gold Ingot
Block of Redstone
Block of Redstone
Depth-First Search Upgrade


Depth-First Search Upgrade can be used to create the following items:

See also

The following items may also be of interest:
