The Last Millenium

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The Last Millenium

The Last Millenium is a dimension added by Extra Utilities, accessible by crafting and right-clicking a Portal to The Last Millenium.


The Last Millenium is an empty void dimension, meant to be a safe, utility dimension ; Its only hazard is the usual "falling out of the world" mechanic.
The dimension is set in a Plains Biome, with perpetual night, and mob spawning is disabled. Dying in The Last Millenium doesn't send the player back to the Overworld. Going to this dimension isn't required for progress in the game.

When entering the dimension, the player will spawn at the center of a non-procedural structure, a single 17x17 platform made of Stone Bricks, Border Stone and other decorative blocks added by Extra Utilities. On the platform is a Redstone Lamp post, a Cauldron full of water and some Wooden Fences. Below the floor is a 15x15 layer of Bedrock ; Also noteworthy, the central Portal to The Last Millenium is an unbreakable variant of the block.

A vanilla Villager of farmer profession, renamed "The Last Villager", will spawn when the dimension is generated. Interacting with him, as expected, will open a trade interface, although no trades are available. Killing him or moving him to the overworld won't do anything.

Exiting The Last Millenium can be done by right-clicking (any) Portal to The Last Millenium. If the portal block used to enter the dimension is located inside the Overworld spawn area, the player will reappear on it. Otherwise, the player will still reappear in the Overworld spawn area, regardless of the location of the portal used to enter the dimension.


  • The name and content of this dimension are likely a reference to The End of Time from Chrono Trigger.
  • The default DIM-ID for The Last Millenium is -112, it can be changed in the mod's configuration file.