
This article is about Spawner from RFTools. You may be looking for Monster Spawner, a block from vanilla Minecraft.

Name Spawner
Source Mod RFTools
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 10.0
Hardness 2.0
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Wooden Pickaxe

Spawner is a block from RFTools mod that can spawn mobs using RF power and matter.

The Spawner only has one slot. A player has to place a Syringe filled with an essence of a mob they want to spawn. The Spawner will then list the required items/blocks (in matter form) and the amount of RF to spawn 1 mob. To get the required materials into a spawner, a Matter Beamer is required. A player can use multiple beamers to increase the spawning speed.

To connect a Matter Beamer to a Spawner, a player has to right-click the beamer with a Crescent Hammer (or any other compatible wrench) and then right-click the Spawner block.

Note: A leaf block in the Spawner's GUI actually means any "living" item/block, e.g. meat or seeds.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Rotten Flesh
Ender Pearl
Machine Frame (RFTools)
Blaze Rod
Bone (Minecraft)

Spawn Materials

Other than RF, the Spawner demands three different materials categorized as key, block, and living material. Note that living material in the table below is listed as a value rather than a number of items/blocks. This is because different items contain different levels of living material, the list is providing on this page. Each mob has its own unique makeup of materials and energy required during the spawning process. This information is given below:

Mob To Spawn RF Cost Key Material Block Material Living Material
Bat 100 0.1 Feather Feather 0.2 Dirt Dirt 10
Blaze 1000 0.1 Blaze Rod Blaze Rod 0.5 Netherrack Netherrack 30
Cavespider 500 0.1 String String 0.2 Dirt Dirt 10
Chicken 500 0.1 Feather Feather 0.2 Dirt Dirt 15
Cow 800 0.1 Leather Leather 0.2 Dirt Dirt 20
Creeper 800 0.1 Gunpowder Gunpowder 0.5 Dirt Dirt 20
Dragon 100000 0.1 Bottle o' Enchanting Bottle o' Enchanting 100 End Stone End Stone 200
Enderman 2000 0.1 Ender Pearl Ender Pearl 0.5 End Stone End Stone 40
Ghast 2000 0.1 Ghast Tear Ghast Tear 1.0 Netherrack Netherrack 50
Horse 1000 0.1 Leather Leather 0.5 Dirt Dirt 30
Irongolem 2000 0.1 Iron Ingot Iron Ingot 6.0 Dirt Dirt 0.5 Rose Rose
Magmacube 600 0.1 Magma Cream Magma Cream 0.2 Netherrack Netherrack 10
Mooshroom 800 0.1 Leather Leather 1.0 Dirt Dirt 20
Ocelot 800 0.1 Raw Fish Raw Fish 1.0 Dirt Dirt 20
Pig 800 0.1 Leather Leather 0.2 Dirt Dirt 20
Sheep 800 0.1 Wool Wool 0.2 Dirt Dirt 20
Skeleton 800 0.1 Bone Bone 0.5 Dirt Dirt 20
Slime 600 0.1 Slimeball Slimeball 0.5 Dirt Dirt 15
Snowman 600 0.1 Snowball Snowball 1.0 Dirt Dirt 15
Spider 500 0.1 String String 0.2 Dirt Dirt 15
Squid 500 0.1 Ink Sac Ink Sac 0.5 Dirt Dirt 10
Villager 2000 0.1 Book Book 5.0 Dirt Dirt 30
Witch 1200 0.1 Glass Bottle Glass Bottle 1.0 Dirt Dirt 30
Wither 20000 0.1 Nether Star Nether Star 0.5 Soul Sand Soul Sand 100
Wolf 800 0.1 Bone Bone 0.5 Dirt Dirt 20
Pigzombie 1200 0.1 Gold Nugget Gold Nugget 0.5 Netherrack Netherrack 20
Zombie 800 0.1 Rotten Flesh Rotten Flesh 0.2 Dirt Dirt 20
Guardian 1000 0.1 Prismarine Shard Prismarine Shard 0.2 Dirt Dirt 30
Shulker 600 0.1 Ender Pearl Ender Pearl 0.2 End Stone End Stone 20
Endermite 400 0.05 Ender Pearl Ender Pearl 0.2 End Stone End Stone 10
Silverfish 400 0.05 Iron Ingot Iron Ingot 0.2 Dirt Dirt 10
Rabbit 300 0.1 Rabbit Stew Rabbit Stew 0.2 Dirt Dirt 10
Polarbear 1500 0.1 Raw Fish Raw Fish 0.2 Dirt Dirt 20
"Witherskeleton" 1500 0.1 Bone Bone 0.5 Netherrack Netherrack 30
"Strayskeleton" 800 0.1 Bone Bone 0.5 Netherrack Netherrack 20

Living Matter

Different items/blocks can have different Living Matter values. The following shows the values for each as of version 1.10-5.62 of the mod:

Material Living Matter Value
Leaves Leaves 0.5
Sapling Sapling 0.5
Hay Bale Hay Bale 1.5
Melon (Block) Melon (Block) 1.0
Cactus Cactus 0.4
Poppy Poppy 0.3
Dandelion Dandelion 0.3
Chorus Flower Chorus Flower 1.1
Mushroom (Brown) Mushroom (Brown) 0.4
Mushroom (Red) Mushroom (Red) 0.4
Pumpkin Pumpkin 0.9
Vines Vines 0.4
Lily Pad Lily Pad 0.4
Cocoa Beans Cocoa Beans 0.8
Apple Apple 1.0
Wheat Wheat 1.1
Seeds Seeds 0.4
Potato Potato 1.5
Carrot Carrot 1.5
Pumpkin Seeds Pumpkin Seeds 0.4
Melon Seeds Melon Seeds 0.4
Raw Beef Raw Beef 1.5
Raw Porkchop Raw Porkchop 1.5
Raw Chicken Raw Chicken 1.5
Beetroot Beetroot 0.8
Beetroot Seeds Beetroot Seeds 0.4
Chorus Fruit Chorus Fruit 1.5
Raw Fish Raw Fish 1.5
Sugar Canes Sugar Canes 1.0


Spawner has no known uses in crafting.

See Also

The following items may also be of interest: