Shield Projector Tier 1

Shield Projector Tier 1
Shield Projector Tier 1

Name Shield Projector Tier 1
Source Mod RFTools
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 10.0
Hardness 2.0
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Wooden Pickaxe

Shield Projector Tier 1 is a block from RFTools mod. It is used to turn Shield Template blocks into an actual shield. Shield Projector Tier 1 can maintain up to 256 shield blocks.

A Shield Projector requires RF power to maintain a shield. To create a shield, a player needs Shield Template Blocks placed in a necessary shape and a Shield Projector next to it. Right-click the Shield Projector block with a Crescent Hammer (or any compatible wrench) to turn Shield Template blocks into actual shield blocks. Right-click again to disable the shield.

In the Shield Projector's GUI a player can set specific filters for the shield, allowing to handle various entities differently. The GUI also has options for shield's block texture and redstone settings:


Entity groups include:

  • All - a rule will apply to all entities.
  • Hostile - a rule will apply to all hostile mobs.
  • Passive - a rule will apply to all passive mobs.
  • Item - a rule will apply to all items.
  • Player - a rule will apply to all players. When using this option, a player can specify an IGN of a player to whom the rule will apply.

Filter Rules

The following filters can apply to the listed above groups:

  • Pass - a shield will act as air blocks, letting the entity pass through.
  • Solid - a shield will act like a solid wall, blocking the entities.
  • Damage - an entity can pass the shield but takes damage.
  • SolDmg - an entity cannot pass the shield and takes damage.

Damage Type

This setting only works with "Damage" and "SolDmg" filters.

  • Generic - deals generic damage to entities.
  • Player - deals damage as done by a player. This mode requires more RF power to run but mobs killed with this damage drop items and XP orbs.

Shield Texture

  • Shield - uses the default semi-transparent Shield texture.
  • Invisible - the shield is completely invisible.
  • Solid - uses the texture of a specified block (a player has to place a block into a slot and click "Set").

Remember that despite a shield looking solid, an entity can still pass through it if matches the filter which is set to "Pass". Shield Texture is a purely cosmetic perk.

Redstone Modes

  • Ignore - ignores redstone signals, the shield is constantly on.
  • ON to activate.
  • OFF to activate.

Note: it's very common to use shield projector with screen to turn the shield on/off.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Gold Ingot
Redstone Torch
Gold Ingot
Machine Frame (RFTools)
Shield Projector Tier 1


Shield Projector Tier 1 can be used to create the following items: