ME Chest (Applied Energistics 2)

ME Chest
ME Chest

ME Chest

Name ME Chest
Source Mod Applied Energistics 2
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 11.0
Hardness 2.2
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Certus Quartz Wrench

The ME Chest is a block added by the Applied Energistics 2 mod. Its main use is to access the content of an ME Storage Cell directly. This can be useful to work with Storage Cells. Placing certain items in a Cell to then partition it with the Cell Workbench based on the contents. To manually move items in low quantities from an high capacity to a low capacity Cell. The ME Chest is usually connected to an ME Network but may be powered with a small energy source and used as a stand alone device. When connected the contents of the Cell installed is available from any Terminal. The ME Chest has an internal energy buffer of 40 AE and a passive drain from 1 to 3 AE/ t depending on the size of the Storage Cell installed. The ME Chest is a good way to get the ME Network going early on, until resources are sufficient for an ME Drive, which can store up to 10 different cells.

The indicator light in front of the Chest, indicates the state of the installed Storage Cell's capacity:

  • Green: OK, ample storage space.
  • Orange: the Cell has reached its type amount capacity yet still has available storage.
  • Red: the Cell is filled to capacity.
  • Black: the Chest is not active.


GUI Crafting Table.png
ME Terminal
ME Glass Cable - Fluix
ME Glass Cable - Fluix
Iron Ingot
Fluix Crystal
Iron Ingot
ME Chest (Applied Energistics 2)

Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved Expert Mode

GUI Crafting Table.png
ME Terminal
ME Glass Cable - Fluix
Certus Quartz Wrench
ME Glass Cable - Fluix
Iron Ingot
Fluix Crystal
Iron Ingot
ME Chest (Applied Energistics 2)


ME Chest (Applied Energistics 2) can be used to create the following items:
