Iron OR Gate

Iron OR Gate
Iron OR Gate

Name Iron OR Gate
Source Mod BuildCraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Gate
Stackable Yes (64)

 The Iron OR Gate is the OR version of the second tier BuildCraft Gates. It has 2 slots and if both output slots are set to the same it will only require either condition slot to be satisfied for the output slot to be carried out.

The Iron Gates will only interact with Red Pipe Wire, not with blue, green, or yellow.

To successfully make an Iron OR Gate you need 40,000 MJ. Plus an additional 20,500 MJ for the Red Pipe Wire and the Redstone Iron Chipset.

Recipe(Assembly Table)[edit]

GUI Assembly Table.png
Red Pipe Wire

Redstone Iron Chipset

Iron OR Gate

Recipe (Crafting Table)[edit]

GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron AND Gate
Redstone Chipset

Iron OR Gate


The Iron OR Gate can be turned into its Autarchic counterpart which is able to send redstone pulses like a Redstone Engine.

GUI Assembly Table.png
Iron OR Gate
Redstone Iron Chipset

Pulsating Chipset

Autarchic Iron OR Gate


See Also[edit]