Feed The Beast Wiki:Did you know
Did you know is a project aimed at letting people know more interesting facts about modded Minecraft.
List of facts
- the clicking noise emitted by the launcher when Minecraft finishes loading is added by Factorization
- it is possible to generate Lapis Lazuli by processing Blue Wool in a Pulverizer
- the ability of Gelid Cryotheum and Energized Glowstone to produce a Glowstone block when flowing liquids touch each other was a bug, fixed in TE v3.0.0.7 update
- conduits can automatically convert RF to MJ
- it is possible to add custom radio stations to the Radio by editing OpenBlocks.cfg
- it is possible to obtain liquid Emerald by putting Villagers into Smeltery by Tinkers' Construct
- it is possible to obtain liquid Glue by putting Horses into Smeltery by Tinkers' Construct
- an animated ASCII art version of Star Wars IV: A New Hope is preinstalled on any ComputerCraft computer
- PotatOS can speak
- IndustrialCraft2 adds a new language, HAYO, to the game
- ComputerCraft Disk Drives can also play Music Discs
- in the earliest version of BuildCraft all machines were powered only using Redstone timers
- CoFH Core allows players to change their skin and cape using in-game commands
- WAILA can show the recipes and uses of blocks placed in the world using the keys 3 and 4 on the numpad
- all GregTech 4 machines can support a total of five different power systems
- Ender-Thermic Pump can pump through solid blocks.
- ME Access Terminals can be coloured using Painters by IndustrialCraft2
- it is possible to extend the BuildCraft Quarry's area beyond 64x64 using multiple Land Marks.
- if a player shoots down with a Mining Laser when falling, laser will travel down slower than the player.
- EnderIO was originally developed for MC 1.6.x, but had to be backported to MC 1.5.x because of popularity of 1.5 packs at that time.
- Tinkers' Construct preserves the hunger level of a player after death. This can be disabled in configs.
- Biomes O' Plenty adds the possibility to spawn the Ender Dragon in every dimension.
- if you right click a Rain Muffler, it will mute rain wherever you go.
- Extra Trees adds the Papayimar, a purple papaya with glasses, which is a reference to the mod developer Pahimar.
- OpenBlocks Liquid XP can be converted to MineFactory Reloaded Mob Essence by placing an XP Shower over a Sewer.
- Mystcraft was originally not Forge compatible.
- Tinkers' Construct tools do not burn in lava.
- the EnderStorage mod was created before vanilla Minecraft's Ender Chests.
- using Gold Nuggets instead of Iron Ingots can create Semi-stable Nuggets, which can be crafted into stable Unstable Ingots.
- if you get lost in Mystcraft, finding a Star Fissure will return you to the Overworld.
- you can melt down unused Tinkers' Construct parts in the Smeltery.
- Mekanism's Universal Cables can receive and transmit IC2 EU, Thermal Expansion RF, and BuildCraft MJ, thus are able to power almost every machine.
- Extra Utilities' Watering Cans can be used to grow Magical Crops even though Bonemeal cannot.
- a bug with Microblocks means that sometimes they will appear invisible upon switching dimensions.
- Natura had four-block tree trunks before vanilla's Jungle trees.
- prior to Minecraft 1.2.5, there was a limit of 256 different blocks, thus greatly restricting the amount of mods one could have.
- GregTech 4's Cinnabar Ore may also drop Redstone dust.
- Thermal Expansion's Redstone Furnace can smelt Rotten Flesh into Leather?
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