Voltage Transformer

Voltage Transformer
Voltage Transformer

Name Voltage Transformer
Source Mod RedPower 2
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Unknown

The Voltage Transformer is used to take energy from either a 10kV Wire or a Blue Alloy Wire and transform it so that it has a higher or lower voltage level. If power is coming in through a 10kV Wire and out through a Blue Alloy Wire, the packet size (voltage) will decrease from ~10,000 (the average packet size of 10kV Wire) to ~100 (the average packet size of Blue Alloy Wire) and vice versa. Note that, while viewing the current with a Voltmeter, the amperage (quantity of energy packets) and voltage (energy packet size) changes by a factor of ~100, the actual quantity of power (wattage) remains unchanged. The only thing changing is the size of the packets that the power is being transferred in. There is currently no machines capable of using the higher voltage. However, when transporting Blutricity over a longer distance the power loss will be smaller using the 10kV Wire than using the normal Blue Alloy Wires.

Currently, the Voltage Transformer is incompatible with the 1MV Wire, as are all other RedPower 2 machines, as there is currently no way to craft or use 1MV Wire.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Copper Coil (RedPower 2)
Iron Ingot
Copper Coil (RedPower 2)
Blue Alloy Ingot
Iron Ingot
Blue Alloy Ingot
Voltage Transformer