Timer (RedPower 2)



Name Timer
Source Mod RedPower 2
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Unknown

The Timer is a block added by RedPower 2 that is one of numerous blocks designed to fill the function of one or more complex Redstone circuits, gates, latches or cells in one block. The Timer's Stone Pointer rotates one full revolution and then outputs a Redstone pulse to its three output faces. The time it takes to rotate this one revolution is specified by the player and can be edited by the internal GUI accessed by right-clicking. The minimum time is 1/5 of a second, which equates to two Redstone ticks or four server ticks, whereas the default time is two seconds. Unlike the Sequencer, the specified time of which determines a quarter-revolution's duration, the Timer's specified time is the time that it takes to rotate one full revolution.

The Timer is synchronized to the world time, which means that whenever a second passes as according to Minecraft, the Timer will similarly note that second simultaneously. The downside of the Timer's synchronization to world time is that, as with some other RedPower logic blocks such as the Synchronizer, any change in the world time (e.g. sleeping, the /time command, etc.) will reset the Timer to its 0-second position. This can cause major errors in some Redstone circuits that are dependent on the Timer to not be reset.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Stone Wafer
Stone Wire
Stone Wafer
Stone Wire
Stone Pointer
Stone Wire
Stone Anode
Stone Cathode
Stone Anode
Timer (RedPower 2)


  • Placing a glass fiber cable or RP tube on top of the timer, for example trying to open the interface with one in your hand, will cause a client disconnect.
