RS Latch

RS Latch
RS Latch

Name RS Latch
Source Mod RedPower 2
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Unknown

The RS Latch is one of numerous blocks added by RedPower 2 that turns large Redstone wiring gates and latches into mechanisms that perform the same function but fit inside a 1-block space.

The RS Latch has two output faces Q and Q' (Q' is simply the inverted state of Q) and two input faces 'R' and 'S'. (Additionally the Redpower RS Latch features two modes, determining whether inputs are held on after being toggled. Strangely, this is the case by default contrary to real RS Latches.)

One input (S) will 'set' the output to 'on' (and the inverted output to 'off') and the outputs will stay in this state regardless of changes to this 'set' input. By default the 'SET' input is held on after being toggled on, though this can be changed with the shift-rightclick mechanic of a Screwdriver. Toggling 'R' (the reset input) forces the output Q to be off (and Q' on), and by default R is then held on.

A simple usage of an RS Latch would be to operate lights using two push buttons, one turning the lights on, while the second turns the lights off.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Stone Wire
Stone Wire
Stone Anode
Stone Cathode
Stone Wafer
Stone Cathode
Stone Anode
Stone Wire
Stone Wire
RS Latch
