Golden eye

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Golden eye
Golden eye

Name Golden eye
Source Mod OpenBlocks
ID Name Unknown
Type Tool
Stackable No
Durability 100

The Golden Eye is a tool from the OpenBlocks mod. This tool is used to find any naturally generated structure. It has 100 durability, and can be recharged by combining it with an Ender Pearl in a crafting table. It takes roughly 9 ender pearls to fully recharge a Golden Eye from a completely decharged state.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget
Eye of Ender
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget
Golden eye


Sneak+right click while holding the tool, then right click and it will shoot off several blocks into the distance, like an Eye of Ender finding a Stronghold. From this point you can use it exactly the same as an Eye of Ender.