Manaweave Robe Bottom

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Manaweave Robe Bottom
Manaweave Robe Bottom

Name Manaweave Robe Bottom
Source Mod Botania
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No
Durability 75
Armor 2 (Armor.png)

Manaweave Robe Bottom is an item added by the Botania mod. The manaweave robes is a set of armor that provides as much protection as leather armor, but it repairs itself with mana from the player’s inventory and provides a 35% discount on all rods and mana-using tools whilst one wears the full set.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Spellbinding Cloth (Botania)
Spellbinding Cloth (Botania)
Spellbinding Cloth (Botania)
Spellbinding Cloth (Botania)
Spellbinding Cloth (Botania)
Spellbinding Cloth (Botania)
Spellbinding Cloth (Botania)
Manaweave Robe Bottom

Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved Expert Mode

GUI Crafting Table.png
Spellbinding Cloth (Botania)
Spellbinding Cloth (Botania)
Spellbinding Cloth (Botania)
Spellbinding Cloth (Botania)
Leather Pants
Spellbinding Cloth (Botania)
Spellbinding Cloth (Botania)
Spellbinding Cloth (Botania)
Manaweave Robe Bottom


Manaweave Robe Bottom can be used to create the following items: