User:Hypermice/Bee Species

< User:Hypermice

This list shows all Bee Species added by Forestry, Extra Bees and Magic Bees that are currently in FTB Unleashed. For detailed information, visit the corresponding Bee pages.

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This article contains detailed information of discoveries, recipes, or secrets, which are intended to be discovered through in-game mechanics.

Hive Bees [Expand/Collapse All]

Hive bee refers to all bees which can be found naturally in Bee Hives. "Requires" indicates the nearby item the species needs initially to produce, if it varies from normal flowers. Species added to Forestry branches by Extra Bees or Magic Bees are marked (ExB) and (MB) respectively.

Mundane Bees [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Forest Bee Forest Forest Hive Requires Normal Flowers Honey Comb
Meadows Bee Meadows Meadows Hive Requires Normal Flowers Honey Comb
Valiant Bee Valiant Any Hive Any bee from a wild hive has a 5% chance of being Valiant instead. Cocoa Comb


Modest Bee Modest Desert Hive Requires Cacti Parched Comb
Tropical Bee Tropical Jungle Hive Requires Fern or Vine Silky Comb
Ender Bee Ender End Hive Requires Dragon Egg Mysterious Comb
Wintry Bee Wintry Snow Hive Requires Normal Flowers Frozen Comb
Marshy Bee Marshy Swamp Hive Requires Mushroom Mossy Comb
Water Bee Water (ExB) Water Hive Requires Lily Pad Wet Comb
Rocky Bee Rocky (ExB) Rocky Hive Requires Stone Rocky Comb
Embittered Bee Embittered (ExB) Nether Hive Requires Nether Wart Simmering Comb
Mystical Bee Mystical (MB) Curious Hive Requires Normal Flowers Mundane Comb
Sorcerous Bee Sorcerous (MB) Resonating Hive Requires Normal Flowers Mundane Comb
Unusual Bee Unusual (MB) Unusual Hive Requires Normal Flowers Mundane Comb
Attuned Bee Attuned (MB) Deep Hive Requires Normal Flowers Mundane Comb
Oblivion Bee Oblivion (MB) Oblivion Hive Requires Dragon Egg Forgotten Comb
Infernal Bee Infernal (MB) Infernal Hive Requires Nether Wart Molten Comb

Forestry Bees[Expand/Collapse All]

Apis Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Forest Bee Forest Forest Hive Honey Comb
Meadows Bee Meadows Meadows Hive Honey Comb
Common Bee Common Hive Bee + Different Hive Bee (15%) Honey Comb
Cultivated Bee Cultivated Common + Hive Bee (12%) Honey Comb
Noble Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Noble Bee Noble Common + Cultivated (10%) Dripping Comb
Majestic Bee Majestic Noble + Cultivated (8%) Maximum fertility (4x Drones) Dripping Comb
Imperial Bee Imperial Noble + Majestic (8%) "Beatific" effect gives regeneration. Dripping Comb

Royal Jelly

Industrious Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Diligent Bee Diligent Common + Cultivated (10%) Stringy Comb
Unweary Bee Unweary Diligent + Cultivated (8%) Stringy Comb
Industrious Bee Industrious Diligent + Unweary (8%) Only bee to produce Pollen. Stringy Comb


Heroic Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Steadfast Bee Steadfast Only found very rarely in dungeon chests. Nocturnal Cocoa Comb
Valiant Bee Valiant 5% Chance from Beehives; also in dungeon chests Cocoa Comb


Heroic Bee Heroic Steadfast + Valiant (6%) "Heroic" effect fights mobs.

This species can only be created in a Forest Biome.

Cocoa Comb
Infernal Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Sinister Bee Sinister Modest + Cultivated (60%)

Tropical + Cultivated (60%)

"Aggressive" effect causes about one damage per second if you stand near.

This species can only be created in the Nether.

Simmering Comb
Fiendish Bee Fiendish Sinister + Cultivated (40%)

Sinister + Modest (40%)
Sinister + Tropical (40%)

"Aggressive" effect causes about one damage per second if you stand near.

This species can only be created in the Nether.

Simmering Comb


Demonic Bee Demonic Sinister + Fiendish (25%) "Aggressive" effect causes about one damage per second if you stand near.

This species can only be created in the Nether.

Simmering Comb

Glowstone Dust

Austere Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Modest Bee Modest Desert Hive Parched Comb
Frugal Bee Frugal Modest + Sinister (16%)

Modest + Fiendish (10%)

This species can only be created in a warm/hot and arid environment. Parched Comb
Austere Bee Austere Modest + Frugal (8%) "Creeper" effect will cause damage to players.

This species can only be created in a warm/hot and arid environment.

Parched Comb

Powdery Comb

End Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Ender Bee Ender Found in End Hives Dragon egg as flower.

"Ends" effect deals damage to players.

Mysterious Comb
Spectral Bee Spectral Ender + Hermitic (4%) Dragon egg as flower.

"Ends" effect deals damage to players.

Mysterious Comb
Phantasmal Bee Phantasmal Ender + Spectral (2%) Dragon egg as flower.

"Ends" effect deals damage to players.

Mysterious Comb
Vengeful Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Vindictive Bee Vindictive Monastic + Demonic (4%) "Radioactive" effect destroys nearby blocks. Irradiated Comb
Vengeful Bee Vengeful Demonic + Vindictive (8%)

Monastic + Vindictive (8%)

"Radioactive" effect destroys nearby blocks. Irradiated Comb
Avenging Bee Avenging Vengeful + Vindictive (4%) "Radioactive" effect destroys nearby blocks. Irradiated Comb
Tropical Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Tropical Bee Tropical Jungle Hive Jungle Flowers are vines or ferns.

"Poison" Effect.

Silky Comb
Exotic Bee Exotic Austere + Tropical (12%) Produces Silky Combs the fastest. Silky Comb
Edenic Bee Edenic Exotic + Tropical (8%) "Explorer" effect gives experience (can stack). Silky Comb
Frozen Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Wintry Bee Wintry Snowy Hive Maximum fertility (4 drones). "Freezing" Effect. Frozen Comb
Icy Bee Icy Industrious + Wintry (12%) This species can only be created in a cold/icy environment. Frozen Comb

Ice Shard

Glacial Bee Glacial Icy + Wintry (8%) This species can only be created in a cold/icy environment. Frozen Comb

Ice Shard

Frigid Bee Frigid (ExB) Wintry + Diligent (10%) Added by Extra Bees Frozen Comb
Absolute Bee Absolute (ExB) Ocean + Frigid (10%) Added by Extra Bees Frozen Comb

Glacial Comb

Festive Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Leporine Bee Leporine Meadows + Forest This species can only be created around Easter.

(approx. April 6-15)

Silky Comb


Merry Bee Merry Wintry + Forest (10%) This species can only be created around Christmas.

(approx. December 21-27)

Frozen Comb

Ice Shard

Tipsy Bee Tipsy Wintry + Meadows (10%) This species can only be created around New Year's Eve.

(approx. Dec 27 - Jan 2)

Frozen Comb

Ice Shard

Celebratory Bee Celebratory (ExB) Austere + Excited (5%) Added by Extra Bees.

"Fireworks" effect makes fireworks shoot out of the apiary.

Agrarian Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Rural Bee Rural Meadows + Diligent (12%) This species can only be created in a Plains biome. Wheaten Comb
Farmed Bee Farmed (ExB) Cultivated + Rural (10%) Added by Extra Bees Wheaten Comb

Seedy Comb

Boggy Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Marshy Bee Marshy Swamp Hive Mossy Comb
Damp Bee Damp (ExB) Common + Marshy (10%) Added by Extra Bees.

Formerly known as Swamp Bee.

Mossy Comb
Boggy Bee Boggy (ExB) Damp + Marshy (8%) Added by Extra Bees Mossy Comb
Fungal Bee Fungal (ExB) Boggy + Damp (8%) Added by Extra Bees

"Fungal" effect bonemeals mushrooms.

Mossy Comb

Fungal Comb

Monastic Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Monastic Bee Monastic Drones can be bought from Apiarist Villager. Wheaten Comb

Mellow Comb

Secluded Bee Secluded Monastic + Austere (12%) Mellow Comb
Hermitic Bee Hermitic Monastic + Secluded (8%) Mellow Comb

Extra Bees [Expand/Collapse All]

Agricultural Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Fermented Bee Fermented Fruity + Rural (10%) Wheaten Comb

Alcoholic Comb

Bovine Bee Bovine Water + Rural (10%) Wheaten Comb

Milky Comb

Caffeinated Bee Caffeinated Tropical + Rural (10%) Wheaten Comb

Coffee Comb

Citrus Bee Citrus Modest + Farmed (10%) Wheaten Comb

Citrus Comb

Minty Bee Minty Tropical + Farmed (10%) Wheaten Comb

Mint Comb

Barren Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Arid Bee Arid Meadows + Modest (10%) Barren Comb
Barren Bee Barren Common + Arid (8%) Barren Comb
Desolate Bee Desolate Arid + Barren (8%) Barren Comb
Gnawing Bee Gnawing Barren + Forest (15%) Barren Comb

Dusty Comb

Decomposing Bee Decomposing Gnawing + Common (8%) Barren Comb

Decomposed Comb

Hostile Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Decaying Bee Decaying Desolate + Modest (15%) Barren Comb

Rotten Comb

Skeletal Bee Skeletal Desolate + Frugal (15%) Barren Comb

Bone Comb

Creepy Bee Creepy Desolate + Austere (15%) Barren Comb

Powdery Comb

Rocky Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Rocky Bee Rocky Rocky Hive Rocky Comb
Tolerant Bee Tolerant Rocky + Diligent (15%) Rocky Comb
Robust Bee Robust Rocky + Tolerant (15%) Rocky Comb
Resilient Bee Resilient Imperial + Robust (15%) Rocky Comb
Rusty Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Rusty Bee Rusty Resilient + Meadows (5%) Rocky Comb

Iron Comb

Corroded Bee Corroded Resilient + Forest (5%) Rocky Comb

Copper Comb

Tarnished Bee Tarnished Resilient + Marshy (5%) Rocky Comb

Tin Comb

Leaden Bee Leaden Resilient + Unweary (5%) Rocky Comb

Leaden Comb

Metallic Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Lustered Bee Lustered Resilient + Unweary (10%) Rocky Comb Nickel Comb
Galvanized Bee Galvanized Tarnished + Cultivated (10%) Rocky Comb

Zinc Comb

Invincible Bee Invincible Resilient + Ender (5%) Rocky Comb

Tungsten Comb

Alloyed Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Impregnable Bee Impregnable Resilient + Noble (3%) Rocky Comb

Titanium Comb

Precious Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Shining Bee Shining Rusty + Imperial (2%) Rocky Comb

Silver Comb

Glittering Bee Glittering Corroded + Imperial (2%) Rocky Comb

Golden Comb

Valuable Bee Valuable Glittering + Shining (2%) Rocky Comb

Platinum Comb

Lapis Bee Lapis Resilient + Water (5%) Rocky Comb

Lapis Comb

Gemstone Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Emerald Bee Emerald Lapis + Noble (5%) Rocky Comb

Emerald Comb

Ruby Bee Ruby Emerald + Austere (5%) Rocky Comb

Ruby Comb

Sapphire Bee Sapphire Emerald + Ocean (5%) Rocky Comb

Sapphire Comb

Diamond Bee Diamond Lapis + Imperial (5%) Rocky Comb

Diamond Comb

Nuclear Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Unstable Bee Unstable Austere + Rocky (5%) "Unstable" effect causes about two damage per second. Barren Comb
Nuclear Bee Nuclear Unstable + Rusty (5%) "Unstable" effect causes about two damage per second. Barren Comb
Radioactive Bee Radioactive Nuclear + Glittering (5%) "Unstable" effect causes about two damage per second. Barren Comb

Radioactive Comb

Historic Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Ancient Bee Ancient Noble + Diligent (10%) Ancient Comb
Primeval Bee Primeval Ancient + Noble (8%) Ancient Comb
Prehistoric Bee Prehistoric Primeval + Majestic (8%) Ancient Comb
Relic Bee Relic Prehistoric + Imperial (8%) Longest lifespan Ancient Comb
Fossilized Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Fossiled Bee Fossiled Primeval + Growing (8%) Ancient Comb

Fossilised Comb

Resinous Bee Resinous Primeval + Fungal (8%) Ancient Comb

Amber Comb

Oily Bee Oily Primeval + Ocean (8%) Ancient Comb

Oily Comb

Preserved Bee Preserved Primeval + Boggy (8%) Ancient Comb

Peat Comb

Refined Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Distilled Bee Distilled Oily + Industrious (8%) Oily Comb
Refined Bee Refined Oily + Distilled (8%) Oily Comb

Petroleum Comb

Tarry Bee Tarry Refined + Fossiled (8%) Oily Comb

Tar Comb

Elastic Bee Elastic Refined + Resinous (8%) Amber Comb

Latex Comb

Aquatic Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Water Bee Water Water Hive Lilly Pad as a flower.

"Water" effect fills nearby tanks with water.

Wet Comb
River Bee River Water + Common (10%) Wet Comb

Clay Comb

Ocean Bee Ocean Water + Diligent (10%) This species can only be created in an Ocean biome. Wet Comb
Stained Bee Stained Ebony + Ocean (8%) Wet Comb

Ink Sac

Flowering Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Growing Bee Growing Diligent + Forest (10%) Leaves as flowers. Honey Comb
Thriving Bee Thriving Growing + Rural (10%) Leaves as flowers. Honey Comb
Blooming Bee Blooming Growing + Thriving (8%) Saplings as flowers. "Growth" effect bonemeals nearby saplings. Honey Comb
Saccharine Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Sweetened Bee Sweetened Valiant+ Diligent (15%) Honey Comb


Sugary Bee Sugary Sweetened + Diligent (15%) Honey Comb


Ripening Bee Ripening Sugary + Forest (5%) Honey Comb

Sugar Fruity Comb

Fruity Bee Fruity Ripening + Rural (5%) Honey Comb

Sugar Fruity Comb

Volcanic Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Embittered Bee Embittered Nether Hive Simmering Comb
Furious Bee Furious Sinister + Embittered (10%) Simmering Comb
Volcanic Bee Volcanic Furious + Embittered (6%) Simmering Comb

Blaze Comb

Glowering Bee Glowering Furious + Excited (5%) Glowing Comb
Viscous Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Viscous Bee Viscous Water + Exotic (10%) "Ectoplasm" effect spawns ectoplasm. (Remove with water to make slime balls.) Silky Comb
Glutinous Bee Glutinous Viscous + Exotic (8%) "Ectoplasm" effect spawns ectoplasm. (Remove with water to make slime balls.) Silky Comb
Sticky Bee Sticky Viscous + Glutinous (8%) "Ectoplasm" effect spawns ectoplasm. (Remove with water to make slime balls.) Silky Comb

Mucous Comb

Virulent Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Malicious Bee Malicious Sinister + Tropical (10%) Silky Comb
Infectious Bee Infectious Malicious + Tropical (8%) Silky Comb
Virulent Bee Virulent Malicious + Infectious (8%) Silky Comb

Venomous Comb

Caustic Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Corrosive Bee Corrosive Virulent + Sticky (10%) "Acidic" effect turns dirt into sand and stone into gravel. Silky Comb
Caustic Bee Caustic Corrosive + Fiendish (8%) "Acidic" effect turns dirt into sand and stone into gravel. Silky Comb
Acidic Bee Acidic Corrosive + Caustic (4%) "Acidic" effect turns dirt into sand and stone into gravel. Silky Comb

Brimstone Comb

Energetic Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Excited Bee Excited Cultivated + Valiant (10%) "Lightning" effect. Redstone torch as a flower. Glowing Comb
Energetic Bee Energetic Excited + Valiant (8%) "Lightning" effect. Redstone torch as a flower. Glowing Comb
Ecstatic Bee Ecstatic Excited + Energetic (8%) "Lightning" effect. Redstone torch as a flower. Glowing Comb

Static Comb

Shadow Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Shadowed Bee Shadowed Tolerant + Sinister (10%) "Darkness" effect causes blindness. Shadow Comb
Darkened Bee Darkened Shadowed + Embittered (8%) "Darkness" effect causes blindness. Shadow Comb
Abyssmal Bee Abyssmal Shadowed + Darkened (8%) "Darkness" effect causes blindness. Shadow Comb
Primary Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Maroon Bee Maroon Forest + Valiant (5%) Honey Comb

Maroon Comb

Saffron Bee Saffron Meadows + Valiant (5%) Honey Comb

Saffron Comb

Prussian Bee Prussian Water + Valiant (5%) Honey Comb

Prussian Comb

Natural Bee Natural Tropical + Valiant (5%) Honey Comb

Forest Comb

Ebony Bee Ebony Rocky + Valiant (5%) Honey Comb

Ebony Comb

Bleached Bee Bleached Wintry + Valiant (5%) Honey Comb

Bleached Comb

Sepia Bee Sepia Marshy + Valiant (5%) Honey Comb

Sepia Comb

Secondary Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Amber Bee Amber Maroon + Saffron (5%) Honey Comb

Amber Comb

Turquoise Bee Turquoise Natural + Prussian (5%) Honey Comb

Turquoise Comb

Indigo Bee Indigo Maroon + Prussian (5%) Honey Comb

Indigo Comb

Slate Bee Slate Ebony + Bleached (5%) Honey Comb

Slate Comb

Azure Bee Azure Prussian + Bleached (5%) Honey Comb

Azure Comb

Lavender Bee Lavender Maroon + Bleached (5%) Honey Comb

Lavender Comb

Lime Bee Lime Natural + Bleached (5%) Honey Comb

Lime Comb

Tertiary Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Fuchsia Bee Fuchsia Indigo + Lavender (5%) Honey Comb

Fuchsia Comb

Ashen Bee Ashen Slate + Bleached (5%) Honey Comb

Ashen Comb

Beastly Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Jaded Bee Jaded Ender + Relic (2%) This species can only be created by user "JadedCat". Honey Comb Pollen Indigo Comb

Magic Bees [Expand/Collapse All]

Veiled Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Mystical Bee Mystical Curious Hive Mundane Comb
Sorcerous Bee Sorcerous Resonating Hive Mundane Comb
Unusual Bee Unusual Unusual Hive Mundane Comb
Attuned Bee Attuned Deep Hive Deep Hives are near bedrock in Mountain biomes. Mundane Comb
Eldritch Bee Eldritch Any Magic Bees Hive Bee + Cultivated (12%) Mundane Comb
Arcane Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Esoteric Bee Esoteric Cultivated + Eldritch (10%) Occult Comb
Mysterious Bee Mysterious Eldritch + Esoteric (8%) Occult Comb
Arcane Bee Arcane Esoteric + Mysterious (9%) Occult Comb Enchanting Drop
Supernatural Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Charmed Bee Charmed Cultivated + Eldritch (10%) Otherworldy Comb
Enchanted Bee Enchanted Eldritch + Charmed (8%) Otherworldy Comb
Supernatural Bee Supernatural Charmed + Enchanted (8%) Otherworldy Comb Unusual Pollen
Scholarly Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Pupil Bee Pupil Monastic + Arcane (10%) Papery Comb
Scholarly Bee Scholarly Pupil + Arcane (8%) Papery Comb Lore Fragment
Savant Bee Savant Scholarly + Pupil (6%) Papery Comb Lore Fragment
Skulking Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Skulking Bee Skulking Modest + Eldritch (12%) Furtive Comb
Ghastly Bee Ghastly Skulking + Ethereal (9%) "Ghastly" effect occasionally spawns Ghasts. Furtive Comb Ghast Tear
Spidery Bee Spidery Tropical + Skulking (10%) Furtive Comb String Spider Eye
Smouldering Bee Smouldering Skulking + Hateful (7%) This species can only be created in the Nether. Furtive Comb Molten Comb Blaze Rod
Aware Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Ethereal Bee Ethereal Arcane + Supernatural (7%) Occult Comb Otherworldy Comb
Watery Bee Watery Supernatural + Ethereal (14%) This species can only be created with a block of still water below the apiary. Watery Comb Ice
Earthen Bee Earthen Supernatural + Ethereal (14%) This species can only be created with a block of bricks below the apiary. Earthy Comb Clay
Firey Bee Firey Supernatural + Ethereal (14%) This species can only be created with a block of still lava below the apiary. Firey Comb Blaze Powder
Windy Bee Windy Supernatural + Ethereal (14%) This species can only be created with a block of oak leaves below the apiary. Windy Comb Feather
Aware Bee Aware Ethereal + Attuned (10%) Memory Comb
Time Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Timely Bee Timely Imperial + Ethereal (8%) "Time Warp" effect causes slowness. Temporal Comb
Lordly Bee Lordly Timely + Imperial (8%) "Drunkard" effect causes nausea. Temporal Comb
Doctoral Bee Doctoral Timely + Lordly (7%) "Heroic" effect damages nearby mobs. Temporal Comb Handful of Jelly Babies
Soulful Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Spirit Bee Spirit Ethereal + Aware (8%)

Attuned + Aware (8%)

Memory Comb Soul Comb
Soul Bee Soul Aware + Spirit (7%) Memory Comb Soul Comb
Abominable Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Infernal Bee Infernal Infernal Hive Infernal Hives are rare hives in the Nether. Molten Comb
Hateful Bee Hateful Infernal + Eldritch (9%) This species can only be created in the Nether. Molten Comb
Spiteful Bee Spiteful Hateful + Infernal (7%) This species can only be created in the Nether. Molten Comb
Withering Bee Withering Demonic + Spiteful (6%) This species can only be created in the Nether. Wither Skeleton Bone Chip
Nameless Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Oblivion Bee Oblivion Oblivion Hive Oblivion hives can be found in the End under the main island. Forgotten Comb
Nameless Bee Nameless Ethereal + Oblivion (10%) Forgotten Comb
Abandoned Bee Abandoned Oblivion + Nameless (8%) Forgotten Comb
Forlorn Bee Forlorn Nameless + Abandoned (6%) Forgotten Comb
Draconic Bee Draconic Imperial + Abandoned (6%) This species can only be created in the End. Draconic Dust
Metallic Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Ferrous Bee Ferrous Common + Industrious (100%) This species can only be created with a block of Iron under the apiary. Honey Comb Iron Nugget
Auric Bee Auric Minium + Plumbum (8%) This species can only be created with a block of Gold under the apiary. Honey Comb Gold Nugget
Cuprum Bee Cuprum Industrious + Meadows (12%) This species can only be created with a block of Copper under the apiary. Honey Comb Copper Nugget
Stannum Bee Stannum Industrious + Forest (12%) This species can only be created with a block of Tin under the apiary. Honey Comb Tin Nugget
Argentum Bee Argentum Imperial + Modest (8%) This species can only be created with a block of Silver under the apiary. Honey Comb Silver Nugget
Plumbum Bee Plumbum Stannum + Common (10%) This species can only be created with a block of Lead under the apiary. Honey Comb Lead Nugget
Aluminum Bee Aluminum Industrious + Cultivated (10%) This species can only be created with a block of Aluminum under the apiary. Honey Comb Aluminum Nugget
Ardite Bee Ardite Industrious + Infernal (9%) This species can only be created with a block of Ardite under the apiary. Honey Comb Ardite Nugget
Cobalt Bee Cobalt Imperial + Infernal (9%) This species can only be created with a block of Cobalt under the apiary. Honey Comb Cobalt Nugget
Manyullyn Bee Manyullyn Ardite + Cobalt (9%) This species can only be created with a block of Manyullyn under the apiary. Honey Comb Manyullyn Nugget
Gem Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Unknown Bee Diamondi 7% This species can only be created with a block of Diamond under the apiary. Honey Comb Diamond Shard
Esmeraldi Bee Esmeraldi 6% This species can only be created with a block of Emerald under the apiary. Honey Comb Emerald Nugget
Apatine Bee Apatine 12% This species can only be created with a block of Apitite Ore under the apiary. Honey Comb Apatite Shard
Thaumic Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Stark Bee Stark Windy/Fiery/Watery/Earthen + Windy/Fiery/Watery/Earthen (two different bees; 8%) This species can only be created with a Crystal Cluster under the apiary. Harmonizing Comb Dull Shard
Aura Bee Aura Windy + Windy (8%) This species can only be created with an Air Crystal Cluster under the apiary. Windy Comb Air Shard
Ignis Bee Ignis Fiery + Fiery (8%) This species can only be created with a Fire Crystal Cluster under the apiary. Firey Comb Fire Shard
Aqua Bee Aqua Watery + Watery (8%) This species can only be created with a Water Crystal Cluster under the apiary. Watery Comb Water Shard
Solum Bee Solum Earthen + Earthen (8%) This species can only be created with an Earth Crystal Cluster under the apiary. Earthy Comb Earth Shard
Praecantatio Bee Praecantatio Ethereal + Ethereal (8%) This species can only be created with a Vis Crystal Cluster under the apiary. Infused Comb Vis Shard
Vis Bee Vis Eldritch + Ethereal (10%) This species can only be created within 75m of any node. Memory Comb
Flux Bee Flux Demonic + Vis (8%) This species can only be created within 50m of a Dark node. Memory Comb
Attractive Bee Attractive Vis + Flux (13%) This species can only be created within 30m of an Unstable node AND during a new moon. Memory Comb
Rejuvenating Bee Rejuvenating Vis + Imperial (8%) This species can only be created within 25m of any node. Memory Comb
Pure Bee Pure Vis + Rejuvinating (6%) This species can only be created within 10m of a Pure node AND during a full moon. Memory Comb
Brainy Bee Brainy Skulking + Pupil (9%) "Brainy" effect spawns Angry Zombies. Furtive Comb Zombie Brain Rotten Flesh
Wispy Bee Wispy Ethereal + Ghastly (9%) This species can only be created between the Waning Crescent and New Moon. Silky Comb Silk Wisp
Batty Bee Batty Skulking + Windy (9%) "Batty" effect spawns Fire Bats. Furtive Comb Gunpowder
Fleshy Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Poultry Bee Poultry Common + Skulking (12%) This species can only be created in a Forest Biome. Honey Comb Chicken Nugget
Beefy Bee Beefy Common + Skulking (12%) This species can only be created in a Plains Biome. Honey Comb Beef Nugget
Porcine Bee Porcine Common + Skulking (12%) This species can only be created in a Mountain Biome. Honey Comb Pork Nugget
Alchemical Branch [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Minium Bee Minium Frugal + Eldritch (8%) Occult Comb Shard of Minium

"Extinct" Bees [Expand/Collapse All]

All of the following bees are unobtainable in FTB Unleashed.

From Forestry [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Darkened Bee Darkened Available only in FTB Retro SSP.
Obtaining this bee in Retro SSP pack described here:

In FTB Retro SSP only, available by cross-breeding a Modest and a Wintry Bee with a block of Dark Matter (a block from Equivalent Exchange 2, not included in any other FTB packs) under the Apiary and a Mark 2 Antimatter Relay (also EE2) next to the Apiary with one Dark Matter's worth of EMC (energy matter currency, a value for all vanilla and some mod items; cobblestone has value one, diamond has value 8192, 8192 cobble equals one diamond) inside for each desired mutation. One pure princess and two pure drones costs 6 DM's worth of EMC.

Not to be confused with the Darkened Bee added by Extra Bees.
Darkened Comb
Reddened Bee Reddened Available only in FTB Retro SSP.
Obtaining this bee in Retro SSP pack described here:

In FTB Retro SSP only, available by cross-breeding a Darkened and a Tropical Bee with a block of Red Matter (the tier above Dark Matter in EE2 tech, used for end-game tools/armor) under the Apiary and a Mark 3 Antimatter Relay next to the Apiary with one Red Matter's worth of EMC inside for each desired mutation. One pure princess and two pure drones costs 6 RM's worth of EMC.

Reddened Comb
Omega Bee Omega Available only in FTB Retro SSP.
Obtaining this bee in Retro SSP pack described here:

In FTB Retro SSP only, available by cross-breeding a Darkened and a Reddened Bee in the Nether. Does not require EMC, but Reddened and Darkened Bees must first somehow acquire the requisite temperature/humidity tolerance to be bred in the Nether, as such tolerances are not default traits.

Omega Comb
From Extra Bees [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin in FTB Ultimate Special Notes Produce
Perilous Bee Perilous Unstable Comb
Hazardous Bee Hazardous Unstable Comb
Explosive Bee Explosive Unstable Comb
Marbled Bee Marbled Previously found in Marble Hives in the overworld. Honey Comb
Resolute Bee Resolute Corroded + Tarnished (5%) Rocky Comb Bronze Comb
Brazen Bee Brazen Corroded + Galvanized (5%)

Corroded + Tarnished (2%) (non-GT only)

Rocky Comb

Brazen Comb

Fortified Bee Fortified Rusty + Fossiled (10%) Rocky Comb Steel Comb
Lustrous Bee Lustrous Resilient + Imperial (10%) Rocky Comb Invar Comb
Precious Bee Precious Glittering + Shining (2%) Rocky Comb Electrum Comb
Sodalite Bee Sodalite Lapis + Diligent (5%) Only available with GregTech 4. Rocky Comb Sodalite Comb
Pyrite Bee Pyrite Rusty + Sinister (5%) Only available with GregTech 4. Rocky Comb Pyrite Comb
Bauxite Bee Bauxite Resilient + Diligent (5%) Only available with GregTech 4. Rocky Comb Bauxite Comb
Cinnabar Bee Cinnabar Resilient + Sinister (5%) Only available with GregTech 4. Rocky Comb Cinnabar Comb
Sphalerite Bee Sphalerite Tarnished + Sinister (5%) Only available with GregTech 4. Rocky Comb Sphalerite Comb
Olivine Bee Olivine Emerald + Ender (5%) Only available with GregTech 4. Rocky Comb Olivine Comb
Gothic Bee Gothic Marbled + Heroic (10%) Formerly named "Roman Bee" Honey Comb
Renaissance Bee Renaissance Marbled + Gothic (8%) Formerly named "Greek Bee" Honey Comb
Classical Bee Classical Renaissance + Gothic (8%) Honey Comb Royal Jelly
Angry Bee Angry Embittered + Sinister (10%) Simmering Comb
Hungry Bee Hungry Arid + Rural (5%) Barren Comb
Starved Bee Starved Barren + Hungry (5%) Barren Comb
Ravenous Bee Ravenous Hungry + Starved (5%) Barren Comb
Dazed Bee Dazed Arid + Edenic (5%) Silky Comb
Irrational Bee Irrational Barren + Dazed (5%) Silky Comb
Delirious Bee Delirious Dazed + Irrational (5%) Silky Comb
Pulped Bee Pulped Unweary + Forest (5%) Pulped Comb
Spoiled Bee Spoiled Pulped + Decaying (5%) Spoiled Comb
Wooden Bee Wooden Diligent + Forest (5%) Dusty Comb
Lumbered Bee Lumbered Diligent + Wooden (5%) Dusty Comb
Timbered Bee Timbered Wooden + Lumbered (5%) Dusty Comb
From Magic Bees [Expand/Collapse]
Species Origin Special Notes Produce
Gossamer Bee Gossamer Silky Comb

See Also