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The List of Aspects shows all the aspects currently available in Thaumcraft 5 as well as items that contains them. Some items may possess multiple aspects. There is an Ethereal Essence for each Aspect, which contains two of that Aspect and two Auram. There is also a Mana Bean for each Aspect, which can be eaten for a chance to gain a research point in that Aspect, or distilled for one unit of that Essentia. Items crafted using a normal vanilla recipe will usually contain some combination of the Aspects of their ingredients. The Nodes contain aspects as well. To view what aspects an item possesses in-game once researched, simply hover the pointer over the item and press the 'Sneak' key, this will also show the amounts. There are two main types of aspects: primal and compound, a combination of 2 primal or compound aspects.
Thaumonomicon Entry
Every item, object or creature is bound by varying mystical elements known as Aspects. Aspects describe the object's make-up and bent towards the magical elements. A simple stone may possess the aspect of Terra while more complex items like trees or even creatures can be made up of various different aspects in varying amounts. There are close to 40 known aspects with more being discovered all the time.
Aspects that have somehow been separated from their object and purified is known as Vis and is very valuable, both as a crafting ingredient and as a subject for magical research. Vis is most often bound into wands, but it is possible to store it as a magical liquid, known as Essentia.
Primal Aspects
Compound Aspects
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Symbol |
Name |
Components |
[Expand] Found in
Alienis Alien, Strange, The Eldritch |
Banner • Ender Chest • End Portal • Ender Pearl • Nether Star • Obsidian Totem • Runic Matrix • Wand Focus: Portable Hole • Wand Focus: Warding
Aversio Loathing, Turning Away |
+ |
Cognitio Mind, Memory, Cognition |
Paper • Book • Bookshelf
Desiderium Longing, Regret, Wish |
Gold Ingot
Craft |
Crafting Table • Bronze Ingot
Man |
Rotten Flesh • Head
Mechanism, Machine |
HSLA Steel Ingot • Redstone
Praemunio Fortify, Safeguard, Protect |
Leather • Armor • Potion of Fire Resistance • Invar Ingot
Senses |
Bone Meal • Lapis Lazuli • Lapis Lazuli Block • Glowstone Dust • Fermented Spider Eye • Oxeye Daisy