Iron Hammer (Magneticraft)

Iron Hammer
Iron Hammer

Iron Hammer

Name Iron Hammer
Source Mod Magneticraft
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No

Iron Hammer is an item added by the Magneticraft mod. Stone Hammer or Iron Hammer are used with the Crushing Table for ore processing.

Magneticraft Ore processing starts by processing Ore blocks such as Iron Ore into their respective Chunks, such as Iron Chunks. Ore can be hammered on a Crushing Table with a Stone Hammer or Iron Hammer to create Chunks, such as Iron Chunks and each ore will produce one Chunk and use some durability from the hammer. Ore can instead be processed in the Multiblock Crusher to create Chunks, such as Iron Chunks with a 5% chance to produce one or two bonus Dusts.

Each Chunk can be smelted into 2 Ingots. Some Chunks can not be smelted and must be further processed (This may be because certain mods are not installed.) Instead of smelting Chunks, they can be further refined in the Grinder and Sifter for additional chances at bonus output.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot

Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot


Iron Hammer (Magneticraft)

See Also[edit]