Electrical Pole With Transformer

Electrical Pole With Transformer
Electrical Pole With Transformer

Name Electrical Pole With Transformer
Source Mod Magneticraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Unknown

Electrical Pole With Transformer is an item added by the Magneticraft mod. It can connect between other Electrical Pole With Transformers and/or Electrical Wooden Poles with the use of Heavy Copper Coil.

In Magneticraft 0.6.1, the pole is one block that creates a 5 block tall pole when placed, with lugs for wire connection at the top that include protruding arms that do not have a hitbox and can appear inside other blocks. The poles can be placed facing any of eight directions, either facing block to block, or at a 45 degree angle and this is related to the orientation of the player relative to the location where the pole is placed. If poles are placed at different angles, the connections between them can appear odd and even criss-cross. Poles can be SHIFT-right-clicked with a Wrench to change connection mode, but currently the connection modes are BLOCKED, ALLOWED and MANUAL where BLOCKED will disconnect existing Heavy Copper Coil and refuse to make new connections, while ALLOWED and MANUAL appear to be the same and allow connections. The Electrical Pole With Transformer connects to Low Voltage Cable on either or both of the 2 faces of the base below the protruding arms and the Electrical Wooden Pole can not be connected to anything but other poles. Connections can not be made if poles are more than 15 blocks apart.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Heavy Copper Coil
Oak Wood
Heavy Copper Coil

Oak Wood

Oak Wood
Low Voltage Cable
Electrical Pole With Transformer

Low Voltage connections only work on 2 sides using Low Voltage Cable or Copper Wire

See Also[edit]