Electric Sword (Magneticraft)

Electric Sword
Electric Sword

Electric Sword

Name Electric Sword
Source Mod Magneticraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable No

The Electric Sword is an item added by the Magneticraft mod. It is a weapon with +10 Attack Damage when charged. It can not be enchanted in a Vanilla Enchantment Table, but can be renamed and have books added on the Anvil. Its internal energy storage will hold 500kJs of energy. The Electric Sword can be charged when it is in the inventory (does not need to be in the quickbar, but will not charge inside a bag or backpack) of a player near a Tesla Coil or by placing it in the top slot of a Battery.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Diamond Dust (Magneticraft)
Iron Ingot

Diamond Dust (Magneticraft)
Iron Ingot

Small Battery

Electric Sword (Magneticraft)