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Weapons (Tinkers' Construct) - Feed The Beast Wiki

Weapons (Tinkers' Construct)

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Weapons refers to a collection of armament added by the Tinkers' Construct mod. Assembled from specific parts made from wide array of Materials, each imparting special properties to the weapon or tool such as speed, durability and strength. Some are similar in function to the Vanilla Minecraft weapons, yet with inherent distinctions. A weapon does not disappear when it breaks, instead it can be fixed with less materials than it would take to build a new one. It can be enchanted simply by adding special materials to it once crafted.

Basic Weapon

A basic weapon can be built in a Tool Station or a Tool Forge. More information on the parts listed can be found on the Blank Pattern page.

  • Broadsword Broadsword  • Assembled from a Sword Blade, Wide Guard and Tool Rod.
  • Longsword Longsword  • Assembled from a Sword Blade, Hand Guard and Tool Rod.
  • Rapier Rapier  • Assembled from a Sword Blade, Crossbar and Tool Rod. Ignores armor.
  • Dagger Dagger  • Assembled from a Knife blade, Crossbar and Tool Rod. Throwable.
  • Shortbow Shortbow  • Assembled from 2 Tool Rods and a Bowstring.
  • Arrows Arrows  • Arrows are assembled from an Arrow Head, Tool Rod, and Fletching. Arrow amount depends on materials. Can be used as melee weapons. [WARNING!: Some mobs can pick shot arrows from ground and use them as weapons, use with caution!]
  • Battlesign Battlesign  • Assembled from a Board and a Tool Rod. Reflects damage.
  • Frying Pan Frying Pan  • Assembled from a Pan and a Tool Rod. Reflects damage. Can cook any food if shift and right-clicked on the ground.
  • Cutlass Cutlass  • Assembled from a Sword Blade, Full Guard and Tool Rod. Grants speed boost on a successful block. The Full Guard pattern is only found in a village.

Advanced Weapon

An advanced weapon is built in a Tool Forge, and can be fixed or upgraded in a Tool Station.

Durability [2]

When assembling a weapon, the following formulas can be used to calculate the total durability:

  • Broadsword, Longsword, Dagger, Rapier
  • Shortbow:
  • Hammer:
  • Scythe:
  • Cleaver:
  • Battleaxe:

Attack Damage

The attack damage modifier of a weapon's blade is added to the modifier of the weapon. So for example, a Wooden Blade has 0 damage modifier, so a Dagger with a Wooden Blade would deal .5 damage; a broadsword with a Manyullyn blade would deal 4 damage. Damage can be further improved through modifiers.

A Weapon damage modifier sortable list:

Weapon Damage
Battlesign Battlesign +0.5
Rapier Rapier +0.5
Dagger Dagger +0.5
Arrows Arrows +1
Hatchet Hatchet +1.5
Scythe Scythe +1.5
Hammer Hammer +1.5
Broadsword Broadsword +2
Longsword Longsword +2
Cutlass Cutlass +2
Battleaxe Battleaxe +2
Cleaver Cleaver +4

Optimization Example

The choice of materials used in Weapon construction will vary greatly based on the intended use. Each player will experiment to find the right combination to suit the purpose at hand. Here are a few examples:

  • Damage [5]:
    • Blade: Manyullyn  • Crossbar, Guard: Paper  • Handle: Manyullyn
  • Customized:
    • Blade: Manyullyn  • Crossbar, Guard: Paper [6]  • Handle: Anything [7]
  • Balance of Customized & Durability:
    • Blade: Manyullyn  • Crossbar, Guard:Paper [6]  • Handle: Green or Blue Slime

Thaumcraft 4 compatibility

  • Thaumcraft 4 adds Thaumium options for all weapon parts.
  • Thaumium cannot be smelted in a Tinkers Construct Smeltery, so parts are made with ingots in the Part Builder the way other non-smeltable components like stone and wood are made.
  • Thaumium stats are similar to iron with some enhancements. For weapons specifically it has significantly more durability at 400 (Iron is 250) and it adds the Thaumic trait: similar to the Paper's writable as it adds 1 modifier slot to the weapon, however if the weapon is made entirely of Thaumium parts it grants 2 modifiers, this would be useful for tools or weapons that only have 2 parts and would have Large reductions in durability if either part was paper.
  • Weapons and tools with 3-4 parts which have a Manyullyn blade or head, paper guard binding or plate, Thaumium rod, and any fourth piece of Manyullyn can allow 2 extra modifiers.
  • For more damage over durability, cactus can be used instead of the second Manyullyn in a 4 part weapon to add Jagged. Auto repair should not be used in this case because it regenerates the durability and reduces the damage increase as well as using modification slot that could be used for Quartz to increase damage.

Ars Magica 2 compatibility

  • Normally, an Enchantment cannot be applied to Tinkers' Construct weapons, but the Soulbound enchantment from Ars Magica 2 is an exception, done by applying the enchantment to the item using an anvil.


  1. Jump up Undead mobs are Zombies, Zombie Pigmen, Skeletons, Wither Skeletons and the Wither Boss.
  2. Jump up Durability can also be improved with modifiers, such as Diamond, Emerald, and Reinforced
  3. Jump up Durability calculation example: Stone Blade (131), Stone Handle (x0.5), Any type of Crossbar or Guard. 131 \times0.5 = 65.5 ≈ 65
  4. Jump up 2 additional modifier slots from either advanced tool with an additional paper piece, gold block and diamond, diamond block and enchanted apple or nether star with 7 obsidian Plates would make it unbreakable
  5. Jump up A Cleaver with a Paper Blade and Manyullyn Plate and Quartz in the extra slot will do an extra .5 hearts of damage and it will need Paper to repair, although higher damage means lower durability.
  6. Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 Paper adds an extra modifier slot that can be used to add a new modifier or add a second level of a modifier, for example: adding Nether Quartz for added damage to a weapon, or adding another level of Moss to increase the rate in which an item's durability regenerates.
  7. Jump up Actual material does not change the damage modifier, only the durability modifier with handle and material property (such as Jagged, from Cactus) on Crossbar and Handle.