RedNet Energy Cable

RedNet Energy Cable
RedNet Energy Cable

Name RedNet Energy Cable
Source Mod MineFactory Reloaded
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

The RedNet Energy Cable is MineFactory Reloaded's energy transmission system. It will transmit a maximum of 1000 RF/t, putting it between the Hardened Energy Conduit and the Redstone Energy Conduit in conductivity. The cable's most useful property is being able to transmit EU (1 EU per 4 RF), RF and MJ (1 MJ per 10 RF), and freely convert between them as necessary, allowing for RF-based power generation to fuel EU-based machinery and vice-versa.

Note: this cable cannot accept MJ power as an input.

It is cheaper to use the recipe that makes 6 cables at once. Making cables with this recipe takes 9 Redstone, whereas making them individually requires 12 Redstone for 6 energy cables.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget

Gold Nugget

RedNet Cable

RedNet Energy Cable
GUI Crafting Table.png
Gold Ingot
Gold Ingot
RedNet Cable
Block of Redstone
RedNet Cable
RedNet Cable
RedNet Cable
RedNet Cable
RedNet Cable
RedNet Energy Cable

Thermal Expansion 3.0+

GUI Crafting Table.png
Electrum Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
Electrum Ingot (Thermal Foundation)
RedNet Cable
Block of Redstone
RedNet Cable
RedNet Cable
RedNet Cable
RedNet Cable
RedNet Cable
RedNet Energy Cable