SPAMR Launcher

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SPAMR Launcher
SPAMR Launcher

Name SPAMR Launcher
Source Mod MineFactory Reloaded
ID Name Unknown
Type Weapon
Stackable No

The SPAMR Launcher is a highly destructive rocket launcher added by MineFactory Reloaded.

When aimed at an entity for a short time, the crosshairs will turn blue and the missile is locked on. While locked on, the rocket will follow the target to a certain degree. It cannot perform complex maneuvers or take sharp turns. The weapon uses Tracking Self Propelled Anti-Material Rockets which follow the target, and the non-tracking Self-Propelled Anti Material Rockets, which only fly in a straight line, as ammunition.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Plastic Sheets
PRC LX-500 Logic Expansion Card
Plastic Sheets
Plastic Sheets
PRC LX-300 Logic Expansion Card
Plastic Sheets
Minecart (Minecraft)
Minecart (Minecraft)
SPAMR Launcher


  • The SPAMR is not advised to be used as a PvP weapon as it seems to be able to bypass armor protections.