Steam Boiler (MineFactory Reloaded)

Steam Boiler
Steam Boiler

Steam Boiler

Name Steam Boiler
Source Mod MineFactory Reloaded
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 2.5
Hardness 0.5
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Wooden Pickaxe

The Steam Boiler is a block added by the MineFactory Reloaded mod. It is used to produce Steam from Water, using fuel such as Lava, Coal or Charcoal. It will build up temperature from 20°C up to 750°C and start producing at 100°C at the rate of 400mB per tick using 100mB of water. As the temperature rises the work speed will increase correspondingly. A Filter must be used on the Fluiduct supplying the water to keep the Steam from forcing the water back. When using Lava Buckets the empty buckets need to be extracted with an Itemduct and Servo, otherwise the Boiler will stop heating. It takes at least 12 buckets of Lava to reach 100°C.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Plastic Sheets
Plastic Sheets
Plastic Sheets
Reinforced Portable Tank
Sludge Boiler
Reinforced Portable Tank
Nether Brick Stairs
Nether Brick Stairs
Nether Brick Stairs
Steam Boiler (MineFactory Reloaded)


GUI Crafting Table.png
Plastic Sheets
Plastic Sheets
Plastic Sheets
Pressurized Fluid Tank
Sludge Boiler
Pressurized Fluid Tank
Nether Brick (Block)
Nether Brick (Block)
Nether Brick (Block)
Steam Boiler (MineFactory Reloaded)


  1. Fuel Buffer.
  2. When using Lava empty buckets move here.
  3. Water buffer.
  4. Steam buffer.
  5. Work meter (Wk).
  6. Temperature meter (°C)

Self-sustaining Energy Source

Using a Lava Fabricator and a Fluid Transposer to fuel a Steam Boiler supplying steam to a Steam Turbine, which in turn energises the Lava Fabricator, Once primed the system can be self-sustaining and can produce enough steam to run 4 more turbines achieving an energy generation of over 600 RF per tick.

It is also possible to utilize one or more Big Reactor Turbines to produce Flux at extremely high fuel efficiency. Using Wooden Planks as for an array of Steam Boilers (a Farming Station can be used to produce infinite logs) one can build a totally self-sustaining system that is capable of netting 40,000+ rf/t; the Farming Station will draw an average of 200rf/t. Note that this produces more Flux per tick than an Ultimate Solar Panel — even while disregarding the fact that solar panels cannot generate at night which effective halves their output on large multiplayer servers where sleeping is not an option.

Config Setting

The Steam Boiler can be set to explode in the MFRconfig file if no water is supplied and the block has reached 100.0°C, by changing the line steamBoilerExplodes = false (default) to true.


Steam Boiler (MineFactory Reloaded) has no known uses in crafting.