Magical Activator

Magical Activator
Magical Activator

Name Magical Activator
Source Mod EssentialCraft III
ID Name
OreDict Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 5.0
Hardness 1.0
Solid Yes
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Wooden Pickaxe

Magical Activator is a block added by the EssentialCraft III mod. It simulates player Right-click when receives Redstone Signal.

The Activator has a single slot for item. If the item is present, it will be used to Right-click the block. Otherwise, it will simulate Right-clicks with empty hand.

The Activator doesn't use anything to run. However, it can be supplied with MRU to charge any MRU-powered tools that are in its buffer.

By crafting the Activator with Slimeball Slimeball, a sticky version is made, which will simulate Shift-Right-click instead.

By crafting the Activator with Chest Chest, an extended version is made, which has buffer increased to 9 slots.

By crafting the Activator, which is already upgraded with Chest, with Redstone Redstone, an advanced version is made. By default, having two items in the Activator inventory doesn't allow them work with each other, which can be needed for tools like Builder's Wand Builder's Wand. The Redstone addition removes this restriction.

The MRU balance doesn't change block behaviour. The block has an internal buffer of 5,000 MRU.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Mimic Block (EssentialCraft III)
Mimic Block (EssentialCraft III)
Mimic Block (EssentialCraft III)
Mimic Block (EssentialCraft III)
Mimic Block (EssentialCraft III)
Magical Activator

Sticky Activator

GUI Crafting Table.png
Magical Activator

Magical Activator

This upgrade makes Activator simulate Shift-Right-click instead.

Extended Activator

GUI Crafting Table.png
Magical Activator

Magical Activator

This upgrade increases Activator buffer size to 9 slots.

Advanced Activator

GUI Crafting Table.png
Magical Activator

Magical Activator

This upgrade allows the Extended Activator tools use other items inside its buffer.


Magical Activator can be used to create the following items:
  • Magical Activator Magical Activator